L. S. Sharath Chandra
L. S. Sharath Chandra
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Magnetocaloric effect in HoMnO3 crystal
A Midya, P Mandal, S Das, S Banerjee, LS Chandra, V Ganesan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (14), 2010
Quenching of photoconductivity in Fe doped CdS thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique
N Badera, B Godbole, SB Srivastava, PN Vishwakarma, LSS Chandra, ...
Applied surface science 254 (21), 7042-7048, 2008
Magnetotransport of La0. 70Ca0. 3− xSrxMnO3 (Ag): a potential room temperature bolometer and magnetic sensor
VPS Awana, R Tripathi, N Kumar, H Kishan, GL Bhalla, R Zeng, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (9), 2010
Electrical and magnetic transport properties ofFe3O4 thin films on a GaAs (100) substrate
R Prakash, RJ Choudhary, LSS Chandra, N Lakshmi, DM Phase
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (48), 486212, 2007
Field-induced first-order to second-order magnetic phase transition in
P Sarkar, P Mandal, AK Bera, SM Yusuf, LS Sharath Chandra, V Ganesan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (1), 012415, 2008
Elevating the temperature regime of the large magnetocaloric effect in a Ni–Mn–In alloy towards room temperature
VK Sharma, MK Chattopadhyay, LSS Chandra, SB Roy
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (14), 145002, 2011
Simple and precise thermoelectric power measurement setup for different environments
LS Sharath Chandra, A Lakhani, D Jain, S Pandya, PN Vishwakarma, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (10), 2008
Carrier recombination in Cu doped CdS thin films: photocurrent and optical studies
R Panda, V Rathore, M Rathore, V Shelke, N Badera, LSS Chandra, ...
Applied surface science 258 (12), 5086-5093, 2012
Enhanced critical parameters of nanocarbon doped MgB2 superconductor
M Mudgel, LS Chandra, V Ganesan, GL Bhalla, H Kishan, VPS Awana
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (3), 2009
Do the grain boundaries of β-In2S3 thin films have a role in sub-band-gap photosensitivity to 632.8 nm?
R Jayakrishnan, TT John, CS Kartha, KP Vijayakumar, D Jain, ...
journal of applied physics 103 (5), 2008
Photoconductivity in Cd1− xMnxS thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique
N Badera, B Godbole, SB Srivastava, PN Vishwakarma, LSS Chandra, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 92 (12), 1646-1651, 2008
Evidence for two superconducting gaps in the unconventional superconductor PrPt4Ge12
LSS Chandra, MK Chattopadhyay, SB Roy
Philosophical Magazine 92 (31), 3866-3881, 2012
Temperature dependence of thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity in ferromagnetic shape memory alloy in magnetic fields
LS Sharath Chandra, MK Chattopadhyay, VK Sharma, SB Roy, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (19), 195105, 2010
Magneto-transport studies of FeSe0. 9− xMx (M= Si, Sb)
S Pandya, S Sherif, LSS Chandra, V Ganesan
Superconductor Science and Technology 24 (4), 045011, 2011
Magnetic irreversibility and pinning force density in the Ti-V alloys
M Matin, LS Sharath Chandra, MK Chattopadhyay, RK Meena, R Kaul, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (16), 2013
Resistive broadening in sulfur doped FeTe
S Pandya, S Sherif, LSS Chandra, V Ganesan
Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (7), 075015, 2010
Synthesis, structural, electrical and magnetic studies of Ni-ferrite nanoparticles
B Godbole, N Badera, SB Shrivastava, D Jain, LSS Chandra, V Ganesan
Physics Procedia 49, 58-66, 2013
Evidence of multiband superconductivity in the β-phase Mo1− xRex alloys
S Sundar, LSS Chandra, MK Chattopadhyay, SB Roy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (4), 045701, 2015
The magnetoresistance of a PrFeAsO1− xFy superconductor
D Bhoi, LSS Chandra, P Choudhury, V Ganesan, P Mandal
Superconductor Science and Technology 22 (9), 095015, 2009
Strong electron–phonon coupling and multiband effects in the superconducting β-phase Mo1− x Rex alloys
S Sundar, LSS Chandra, MK Chattopadhyay, SK Pandey, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (5), 053003, 2015
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مقالات 1–20