Can non-timber forest products match tropical forest conservation and development objectives? JEM Arnold, MR Pérez Ecological economics 39 (3), 437-447, 2001 | 966 | 2001 |
What futures for the people of the tropical forests? N Byron, M Arnold World development 27 (5), 789-805, 1999 | 783 | 1999 |
Woodfuels, Livelihoods, and Policy Interventions: Changing Perspectives RP J.E.M. Arnold, G. Kohlin World Development 34 (3), 596-611, 2006 | 674 | 2006 |
Fuelwood revisited M Arnold, G Köhlin, R Persson, G Shepherd What Has Changed in the Last Decades, 35, 2003 | 430 | 2003 |
Community forestry: ten years in review. JEM Arnold | 342* | 1991 |
Managing forests as common property JEM Arnold Food & Agriculture Org., 1998 | 301 | 1998 |
Current issues in non-timber forest products research: Proceedings of the workshop" Research on NTFP", Hot Springs, Zimbabwe, 28 August-2 September 1995 MR Pérez, JEM Arnold, Y Byron Cifor, 1996 | 284* | 1996 |
Forests, biodiversity and food security M Arnold, B Powell, P Shanley, TCH Sunderland The international forestry review 13 (3), 259-264, 2011 | 240 | 2011 |
The role of non-timber forest products in conservation and development JEM Arnold, M Ruiz Pérez Incomes from the forest: Methods for the development and conservation of …, 1998 | 227 | 1998 |
Forests and people: 25 years of community forestry JEM Arnold | 226 | 2001 |
Collective management of hill forests in Nepal: the community forestry development project JE Arnold, JG Campbell | 222 | 1985 |
Household food security and forestry: an analysis of socioeconomic issues. J Falconer, JEM Arnold | 212 | 1989 |
Common property resource management in India J Arnold, W Stewart Oxford Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, 1991 | 201 | 1991 |
Forestry, poverty and aid JEM Arnold CIFOR, 2001 | 183 | 2001 |
Tree management in farmer strategies: responses to agricultural intensification. JEM Arnold, PA Dewees | 180 | 1995 |
Fuelwood and charcoal in developing countries JEM Arnold, J Jongma South Asia 267, 0-38, 1977 | 162 | 1977 |
Assessing the potential of forest product activities to contribute to rural incomes in Africa M Arnold, J Townson Overseas Development Institute, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
Reassessing the fuelwood situation in developing countries M Arnold, R Persson The International Forestry Review 5 (4), 379-383, 2003 | 146 | 2003 |
Farms Trees and farmers: Responses to agricultural intensification JEM Arnold, PA Dewees Routledge, 2014 | 137 | 2014 |
Rethinking approaches to tree management by farmers JE Arnold, PA Dewees Natural Resources Perspectives, 1998 | 88 | 1998 |