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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Co-benefits of CO2 emission reduction in a developing country
RM Shrestha, S Pradhan
Energy Policy 38 (5), 2586-2597, 2010
The role of direct air capture and negative emissions technologies in the shared socioeconomic pathways towards+ 1.5° C and+ 2° C futures
J Fuhrman, A Clarens, K Calvin, SC Doney, JA Edmonds, P O’Rourke, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (11), 114012, 2021
The role of negative emissions in meeting China’s 2060 carbon neutrality goal
J Fuhrman, AF Clarens, H McJeon, P Patel, Y Ou, SC Doney, WM Shobe, ...
Oxford Open Climate Change 1 (1), kgab004, 2021
Mitigation potential of greenhouse gas emission and implications on fuel consumption due to clean energy vehicles as public passenger transport in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal: a …
S Pradhan, BB Ale, VB Amatya
Energy 31 (12), 1748-1760, 2006
GCC energy system overview–2017
D Wogan, S Pradhan, S Albardi
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2017
Emissions leakage, environmental policy and trade frictions
JS Holladay, M Mohsin, S Pradhan
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 88, 95-113, 2018
Effects of Saudi Arabia’s economic reforms: Insights from a DSGE model
J Blazquez, M Galeotti, B Manzano, A Pierru, S Pradhan
Economic Modelling 95, 145-169, 2021
Effects of carbon tax on greenhouse gas mitigation in Thailand
RM Shrestha, S Pradhan, MH Liyanage
Climate Policy 8 (sup1), S140-S155, 2008
Effects of Direct Air Capture Technology Availability on Stranded Assets and Committed Emissions in the Power Sector
S Pradhan, W Shobe, J Fuhrman, H McJeon, M Binsted, S Doney, ...
Frontiers in Climate 3, 45, 2021
Environmental Policy Instrument Choice and International Trade
JS Holladay, M Mohsin, S Pradhan
Environmental and Resource Economics 74 (4), 1585-1617, 2019
Overview of energy supply and demand in the GCC
D Wogan, I Al-Mubarak, A Al-Badi, S Pradhan
The economics of renewable energy in the Gulf, 10-40, 2018
K-DSGE: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for Saudi Arabia
J Blazquez, M Galeotti, B Manzano, A Pierru, S Pradhan
Methodology Papers, 2019
Low-Carbon Society Vision 2030: Thailand
B Limmeechokchai, S Chungpaibulpatana, R Nitisoravut, P Winyuchakrit, ...
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasat University …, 2010
Output Multipliers and State Rainy Day Funds
M Mohsin, MN Murray, S Pradhan
Effects of Carbon Tax on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Use of Emerging Technologies in Thailand
RM Shrestha, S Pradhan
31st IAEE International Conference: Bridging Energy Supply and Demand …, 2008
Analyzing the Effects of Saudi Arabia’s Economic Reforms Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model
J Blazquez, M Galeotti, B Manzano, A Pierru, S Pradhan
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center Discussion Papers, 2020
Sectoral and Economy-Wide Effects of Domestic Energy Price Reforms in Saudi Arabia
O Durand-Lasserve, H Almutairi, A Aljarboua, F Murphy, S Pradhan, ...
Analyzing Effects on Biofuels While Integrating the Agricultural Sector to the Energy Market: Linking POLYSYS and MARKAL
S Pradhan
Administered energy prices have played a key role in Saudi Arabia’s socio-economic development. However, they have numerous adverse effects because they induce a wasteful use …
O Durand-Lasserve, H Almutairi, A AlJraboua, F Murhphy, S Pradhan, ...
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center Discussion Papers, 2020
Expanding a Bottom-up Energy Model into a General-Equilibrium Model: Rationale, Formulation and Implementation for Saudi Arabia
O Durand-Lasserve, A Al-Jarboua, H Al-Mutairi, F Murphy, A Pierru, ...
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20