Vahid Vahidinasab
Vahid Vahidinasab
Professor and Chair in Sustainability | University of Salford
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على salford.ac.uk - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A comprehensive review on electric vehicles smart charging: Solutions, strategies, technologies, and challenges
O Sadeghian, A Oshnoei, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, V Vahidinasab, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 54, 105241, 2022
A modified harmony search method for environmental/economic load dispatch of real-world power systems
B Jeddi, V Vahidinasab
Energy Conversion and Management 78, 661-675, 2014
Day-ahead price forecasting in restructured power systems using artificial neural networks
V Vahidinasab, S Jadid, A Kazemi
Electric power systems research 78 (8), 1332-1342, 2008
A review on Demand-side tools in electricity market
R Sharifi, SH Fathi, V Vahidinasab
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 565-572, 2017
Overview of electric energy distribution networks expansion planning
V Vahidinasab, M Tabarzadi, H Arasteh, MI Alizadeh, MM Beigi, ...
IEEE Access 8, 34750-34769, 2020
Centralized Support Distributed Voltage Control by Using End-Users as Reactive Power Support
A Abessi, V Vahidinasab, MS Ghazizadeh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (1), 178 - 188, 2016
Power systems resilience metrics: A comprehensive review of challenges and outlook
H Raoufi, V Vahidinasab, K Mehran
Sustainability 12 (22), 9698, 2020
Optimal distributed energy resources planning in a competitive electricity market: Multiobjective optimization and probabilistic design
V Vahidinasab
Renewable energy 66, 354-363, 2014
Robust linear architecture for active/reactive power scheduling of EV integrated smart distribution networks
S Pirouzi, J Aghaei, V Vahidinasab, T Niknam, A Khodaei
Electric Power Systems Research 155, 8-20, 2018
A resilience-based architecture for joint distributed energy resources allocation and hourly network reconfiguration
E Kianmehr, S Nikkhah, V Vahidinasab, D Giaouris, PC Taylor
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (10), 5444-5455, 2019
Joint economic and emission dispatch in energy markets: a multiobjective mathematical programming approach
V Vahidinasab, S Jadid
Energy 35 (3), 1497-1504, 2010
Overview of the optimal smart energy coordination for microgrid applications
NT Mbungu, RM Naidoo, RC Bansal, V Vahidinasab
IEEE Access 7, 163063-163084, 2019
Multiobjective environmental/techno-economic approach for strategic bidding in energy markets
V Vahidinasab, S Jadid
Applied Energy 86 (4), 496-504, 2009
Normal boundary intersection method for suppliers’ strategic bidding in electricity markets: An environmental/economic approach
V Vahidinasab, S Jadid
Energy Conversion and Management 51 (6), 1111-1119, 2010
Exploring potential storage-based flexibility gains of electric vehicles in smart distribution grids
A Pirouzi, J Aghaei, S Pirouzi, V Vahidinasab, AR Jordehi
Journal of Energy Storage 52, 105056, 2022
Two-stage hybrid stochastic/robust optimal coordination of distributed battery storage planning and flexible energy management in smart distribution network
SA Bozorgavari, J Aghaei, S Pirouzi, V Vahidinasab, H Farahmand, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 26, 100970, 2019
Robust optimization framework for dynamic distributed energy resources planning in distribution networks
B Jeddi, V Vahidinasab, P Ramezanpour, J Aghaei, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 110, 419-433, 2019
Customer baseline load models for residential sector in a smart-grid environment
R Sharifi, SH Fathi, V Vahidinasab
Energy Reports 2, 74-81, 2016
A bi-level model for strategic bidding of a price-maker retailer with flexible demands in day-ahead electricity market
R Sharifi, A Anvari-Moghaddam, SH Fathi, V Vahidinasab
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 121, 106065, 2020
Stochastic multiobjective self-scheduling of a power producer in joint energy and reserves markets
V Vahidinasab, S Jadid
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (7), 760-769, 2010
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مقالات 1–20