Diwaker Gupta
Diwaker Gupta
Hiro, Stacks, Dropbox, Maginatics, Aster, UCSD
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Enforcing performance isolation across virtual machines in xen
D Gupta, L Cherkasova, R Gardner, A Vahdat
ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms …, 2006
Difference engine: Harnessing memory redundancy in virtual machines
D Gupta, S Lee, M Vrable, S Savage, AC Snoeren, G Varghese, ...
Communications of the ACM 53 (10), 85-93, 2010
Comparison of the three CPU schedulers in Xen
L Cherkasova, D Gupta, A Vahdat
Performance Evaluation Review 35 (2), 42, 2007
Xenmon: Qos monitoring and performance profiling tool
D Gupta, R Gardner, L Cherkasova
Hewlett-Packard Labs, Tech. Rep. HPL-2005-187, 1-13, 2005
Endometrial biomarkers for the non‐invasive diagnosis of endometriosis
D Gupta, ML Hull, I Fraser, L Miller, PMM Bossuyt, N Johnson, V Nisenblat, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016 (4), 1996
Usher: An Extensible Framework for Managing Clusters of Virtual Machines.
M McNett, D Gupta, A Vahdat, GM Voelker
LISA 7, 1-15, 2007
To infinity and beyond: time warped network emulation
D Gupta, K Yocum, M McNett, AC Snoeren, A Vahdat, GM Voelker
Proceedings of the twentieth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, 1-2, 2005
DieCast: Testing distributed systems with an accurate scale model
D Gupta, KV Vishwanath, M McNett, A Vahdat, K Yocum, A Snoeren, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 29 (2), 1-48, 2011
A water model study of the flow asymmetry inside a continuous slab casting mold
D Gupta, AK Lahiri
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 27, 757-764, 1996
Understanding Support Vector Machine algorithm from examples (along with code)
S Ray, S Bansal, A Gupta, D Gupta, F Shaikh
Analytics Vidhya 13, 19, 2017
When virtual is harder than real: Resource allocation challenges in virtual machine based it environments
L Cherkasova, D Gupta, A Vahdat
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Tech. Rep. HPL-2007-25, 15, 2007
Modelnet: Towards a datacenter emulation environment
KV Vishwanath, D Gupta, A Vahdat, K Yocum
2009 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 81-82, 2009
Management of a distributed computing system through replication of write ahead logs
M Aron, D Gupta
US Patent 8,627,135, 2014
Another cause of reverse halo sign: Wegener's granulomatosis
R Agarwal, AN Aggarwal, D Gupta
The British Journal of Radiology 80 (958), 849-850, 2007
Towards a process and tool-chain for service-oriented automotive software engineering
IH Krüger, D Gupta, R Mathew, P Moorthy, W Phillips, S Rittmann, ...
Architecture 2 (R2), 2004
Host specific demographic studies of the melon fruit fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera : Tephritidae).
D Gupta, AK Verma
Systems and methods for controlling resource usage by a driver domain on behalf of a virtual machine
D Gupta, L Cherkasova, RD Gardner
US Patent 8,146,079, 2012
Adjuvant drugs in central neuraxial analgesia-A review
U Bakshi, S Chatterjee, S Sengupta, D Gupta
The Internet J Anesthesiol 26, 2009
Routing in an Internet-scale network emulator
J Chen, D Gupta, KV Vishwanath, AC Snoeren, A Vahdat
The IEEE Computer Society's 12th Annual International Symposium on Modeling …, 2004
Forecasting jute production in major contributing countries in the world
D Gupta, PK Sahu, R Banerjee
Journal of Natural Fibers 6 (2), 127-137, 2009
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مقالات 1–20