Maciej A. Górecki
Maciej A. Górecki
Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Not just ‘friends and neighbours’: Canvassing, geographic proximity and voter choice
MA Górecki, M Marsh
European Journal of Political Research 51 (5), 563-582, 2012
Gender quotas, candidate background and the election of women: A paradox of gender quotas in open-list proportional representation systems
MA Górecki, P Kukołowicz
Electoral Studies 36, 65-80, 2014
Social Norms Moderate the Effect of Tax System on Tax Evasion: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey Experiment
MA Górecki, N Letki
Journal of Business Ethics 172 (4), 727-746, 2021
A decline of ‘friends and neighbours voting’ in Ireland? Local candidate effects in the 2011 Irish ‘earthquake election'
MA Górecki, M Marsh
Political Geography 41, 11-20, 2014
Electoral context, habit-formation and voter turnout: A new analysis
MA Górecki
Electoral Studies 32 (1), 140-152, 2013
When incumbents can only gain: economic voting in local government elections in Poland
P Kukołowicz, MA Górecki
West European Politics 41 (3), 640-659, 2018
Polity size and voter turnout revisited: micro-level evidence from 14 countries of Central and Eastern Europe
MA Górecki, A Gendźwiłł
Local Government Studies 47 (1), 31-53, 2021
Electoral salience and vote overreporting: Another look at the problem of validity in voter turnout studies
MA Górecki
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 23 (4), 544-557, 2011
The 2019 EP election in Poland: In the shadow of extreme polarization
MA Górecki, C Plescia, M Żerkowska-Balas
Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections, 203-217, 2020
Ballot Paper Design and Vote Spoiling at Polish Local Elections of 2014: Establishing a Causal Link
M Pierzgalski, MA Górecki, P Stępień
East European Politics and Societies 34 (3), 611-636, 2020
Electoral formula, legal threshold and the number of parties: A natural experiment
MA Górecki, P Kukołowicz
Party Politics 24 (6), 617-628, 2018
Election closeness, habit formation and voter turnout: Evidence from sixteen Swedish elections
MA Górecki
Political Studies 61 (S1), 234-248, 2013
Legislated Candidate Quotas and Women's Descriptive Representation in Preferential Voting Systems
MA Górecki, M Pierzgalski
European Journal of Political Research 61 (1), 154-174, 2022
Local voting at local elections revisited: ‘Friends and neighbors voting’ at mayoral elections in rural Poland
MA Górecki, S Bartnicki, M Alimowski
Political Geography 94, 102559, 2022
Age, experience and the contextual determinants of turnout: A deeper look at the process of habit formation in electoral participation
MA Górecki
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 25 (4), 425-443, 2015
Why bother lying when you know so few care? Party contact, education and over‐reporting voter turnout in different types of elections
MA Górecki
Scandinavian Political Studies 34 (3), 250-267, 2011
‘They Accept Bribes; We Accept Bribery’: Conditional Effects of Corrupt Encounters on the Evaluation of Public Institutions
N Letki, MA Górecki, A Gendźwiłł
British Journal of Political Science 53 (2), 690-697, 2023
Uncertainty Is (Usually) Motivating: Election Closeness and Voter Turnout in 2002 and 2006 City President Elections in Poland
MA Górecki
Polish Sociological Review 2 (166), 297-308, 2009
„Głosowanie przyjacielsko-sąsiedzkie”: Przyczynek do badań w kontekście polskim
M Górecki
Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne. Seria Nowa 1 (03), 63-74, 2015
Electoral Systems, Partisan Politics, and Income Redistribution: A Critical Quasi-Experiment
MA Górecki, M Pierzgalski
Comparative Political Studies 56 (14), 2165-2200, 2023
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مقالات 1–20