Mohammad Reza  Keyvanpour
Mohammad Reza Keyvanpour
Department of Computer Engineering , Alzahra University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على alzahra.ac.ir
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Detecting and investigating crime by means of data mining: a general crime matching framework
MR Keyvanpour, M Javideh, MR Ebrahimi
Procedia Computer Science 3, 872-880, 2011
A systemic analysis of link prediction in social network
S Haghani, MR Keyvanpour
Artificial Intelligence Review 52, 1961-1995, 2019
Time series forecasting using improved ARIMA
S Mehrmolaei, MR Keyvanpour
2016 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (IRANOPEN), 92-97, 2016
CAPTCHA and its Alternatives: A Review
M Moradi, MR Keyvanpour
Security and Communication Networks 8 (12), 2135-2156, 2015
A new random forest algorithm based on learning automata
M Savargiv, B Masoumi, MR Keyvanpour
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021 (1), 5572781, 2021
TRCLA: a transfer learning approach to reduce negative transfer for cellular learning automata
SAH Minoofam, A Bastanfard, MR Keyvanpour
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 34 (5), 2480-2489, 2021
Robust dynamic block-based image watermarking in DWT domain
MR Keyvanpour, F Merrikh-Bayat
Procedia Computer Science 3, 238-242, 2011
An analysis of QSAR research based on machine learning concepts
MR Keyvanpour, MB Shirzad
Current drug discovery technologies 18 (1), 17-30, 2021
Automatic software test case generation: An analytical classification framework
MR Keyvanpour, H Homayouni, H Shirazee
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications 6 (4), 1-16, 2012
SMKFC-ER: Semi-supervised multiple kernel fuzzy clustering based on entropy and relative entropy
F Salehi, MR Keyvanpour, A Sharifi
Information Sciences 547, 667-688, 2021
An analytical framework for data stream mining techniques based on challenges and requirements
M Kholghi, M Keyvanpour
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.1950, 2011
OMLML: a helpful opinion mining method based on lexicon and machine learning in social networks
M Keyvanpour, Z Karimi Zandian, M Heidarypanah
Social Network Analysis and Mining 10, 1-17, 2020
An analytical review of computational drug repurposing
SS Sadeghi, MR Keyvanpour
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 18 (2 …, 2019
A machine learning based analytical framework for semantic annotation requirements
H Hassanzadeh, MR Keyvanpour
arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.4950, 2011
A novel embedded feature selection method: a comparative study in the application of text categorization
MB Imani, MR Keyvanpour, R Azmi
Applied Artificial Intelligence 27 (5), 408-427, 2013
SARF: Smart activity recognition framework in Ambient Assisted Living
S Zolfaghari, MR Keyvanpour
2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2016
Classification and evaluation the privacy preserving data mining techniques by using a data modification-based framework
MR Keyvanpour, SS Moradi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.1945, 2011
Semi-supervised text categorization: Exploiting unlabeled data using ensemble learning algorithms
MR Keyvanpour, MB Imani
Intelligent Data Analysis 17 (3), 367-385, 2013
Customers behavior modeling by semi-supervised learning in customer relationship management
S Emtiyaz, MR Keyvanpour
arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.1670, 2012
A new color feature extraction method based on QuadHistogram
F Alamdar, MR Keyvanpour
Procedia Environmental Sciences 10, 777-783, 2011
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20