Jing Zhou
Jing Zhou
Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Mary Gibbs Jones Chair Professor, Rice University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Innovation and creativity in organizations: A state-of-the-science review, prospective commentary, and guiding framework
N Anderson, K Potočnik, J Zhou
Journal of management 40 (5), 1297-1333, 2014
When job dissatisfaction leads to creativity: Encouraging the expression of voice
J Zhou, JM George
Academy of Management journal 44 (4), 682-696, 2001
The effects of personal and contextual characteristics on creativity: Where should we go from here?
CE Shalley, J Zhou, GR Oldham
Journal of management 30 (6), 933-958, 2004
Transformational leadership, conservation, and creativity: Evidence from Korea
SJ Shin, J Zhou
Academy of management Journal 46 (6), 703-714, 2003
When openness to experience and conscientiousness are related to creative behavior: an interactional approach.
JM George, J Zhou
Journal of applied psychology 86 (3), 513, 2001
Dual tuning in a supportive context: Joint contributions of positive mood, negative mood, and supervisory behaviors to employee creativity
JM George, J Zhou
Academy of management journal 50 (3), 605-622, 2007
A cross-level perspective on employee creativity: Goal orientation, team learning behavior, and individual creativity
G Hirst, D Van Knippenberg, J Zhou
Academy of management journal 52 (2), 280-293, 2009
When the presence of creative coworkers is related to creativity: role of supervisor close monitoring, developmental feedback, and creative personality.
J Zhou
Journal of applied psychology 88 (3), 413, 2003
Research on employee creativity: A critical review and directions for future research
J Zhou, CE Shalley
Research in personnel and human resources management, 165-217, 2003
Understanding when bad moods foster creativity and good ones don't: the role of context and clarity of feelings.
JM George, J Zhou
Journal of applied psychology 87 (4), 687, 2002
Awakening employee creativity: The role of leader emotional intelligence
J Zhou, JM George
The leadership quarterly 14 (4-5), 545-568, 2003
When is educational specialization heterogeneity related to creativity in research and development teams? Transformational leadership as a moderator.
SJ Shin, J Zhou
Journal of applied Psychology 92 (6), 1709, 2007
Feedback valence, feedback style, task autonomy, and achievement orientation: Interactive effects on creative performance.
J Zhou
Journal of applied psychology 83 (2), 261, 1998
Research on workplace creativity: A review and redirection
J Zhou, IJ Hoever
Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav. 1 (1), 333-359, 2014
Handbook of organizational creativity
J Zhou, CE Shalley
Psychology Press, 2024
Motivational mechanisms of employee creativity: A meta-analytic examination and theoretical extension of the creativity literature
D Liu, K Jiang, CE Shalley, S Keem, J Zhou
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 137, 236-263, 2016
Social networks, personal values, and creativity: evidence for curvilinear and interaction effects.
J Zhou, SJ Shin, DJ Brass, J Choi, ZX Zhang
Journal of applied psychology 94 (6), 1544, 2009
Empowering leadership, uncertainty avoidance, trust, and employee creativity: Interaction effects and a mediating mechanism
X Zhang, J Zhou
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 124 (2), 150-164, 2014
Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership
D Liu, Y Gong, J Zhou, JC Huang
Academy of management journal 60 (3), 1164-1188, 2017
Enhancing creative performance: Effects of expected developmental assessment strategies and creative personality
J Zhou, GR Oldham
The Journal of Creative Behavior 35 (3), 151-167, 2001
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مقالات 1–20