Stefan Claesson
Stefan Claesson
Professor in Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum of Natural History
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Isotopic evidence for the Precambrian provenance and Caledonian metamorphism of high grade paragneisses from the Seve Nappes, Scandinavian Caledonides: II. Ion microprobe …
IS Williams, S Claesson
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 97 (2), 205-217, 1987
Ion microprobe U-Pb zircon geochronology and correlation of Archaean gneisses from the Lewisian Complex of Gruinard Bay, northwestern Scotland
MJ Whitehouse, S Claesson, T Sunde, J Vestin
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (20), 4429-4438, 1997
U–Pb zircon ages from a Devonian carbonatite dyke, Kola peninsula, Russia: a record of geological evolution from the Archaean to the Palaeozoic
S Claesson, V Vetrin, T Bayanova, H Downes
Lithos 51 (1-2), 95-108, 2000
Svecofennian detrital zircon ages—implications for the Precambrian evolution of the Baltic Shield
S Claesson, H Huhma, PD Kinny, IS Williams
Precambrian Research 64 (1-4), 109-130, 1993
Numerical ages of volcanic rocks and the earliest fauna1 zone within the Late Precambrian of east Poland
W Compston, MS Sambridge, RF Reinfrank, M Moczydeowska, G Vidal, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 152 (4), 599-611, 1995
Isotopic evidence for Palaeoproterozoic accretion in the basement of the East European Craton
S Claesson, SV Bogdanova, EV Bibikova, R Gorbatschev
Tectonophysics 339 (1-2), 1-18, 2001
The temporal evolution of sanukitoids in the Karelian Craton, Baltic Shield: an ion microprobe U–Th–Pb isotopic study of zircons
EV Bibikova, A Petrova, S Claesson
Lithos 79 (1-2), 129-145, 2005
Origins and ages of Proterozoic granitoids in the Bothnian Basin, central Sweden; isotopic and geochemical constraints
S Claesson, T Lundqvist
Lithos 36 (2), 115-140, 1995
The growth of Early Proterozoic crust: new evidence from Svecofennian detrital zircons
H Huhma, S Claesson, PD Kinny, IS Williams
Terra Nova 3 (2), 175-178, 1991
Samarium-neodymium data on two late Proterozoic ophiolites of Saudi Arabia and implications for crustal and mantle evolution
S Claesson, JS Pallister, M Tatsumoto
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 85 (3), 244-252, 1984
Archaean terranes, Palaeoproterozoic reworking and accretion in the Ukrainian shield, East European Craton
S Claesson, E Bibikova, S Bogdanova, V Skobelev
Delineation and character of the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary in northern Sweden
B Öhlander, T Skiöld, SÅ Elming, S Claesson, DH Nisca
Precambrian Research 64 (1-4), 67-84, 1993
40Ar/39Ar data on the age and metamorphism of the Ottfjället dolerites, Särv Nappe, Swedish Caledonides
S Claesson, JC Roddick
Lithos 16 (1), 61-73, 1983
Evolution of the Belomorian Belt: NORDSIM U-Pb zircon dating of the Chupa paragneisses, magmatism, and metamorphic stages
EV Bibikova, S Bogdanova, VA Glebovitsky, S Claesson, T Skiold
Petrology 12 (3), 195-210, 2004
The origin of the Palaeoproterozoic AMCG complexes in the Ukrainian shield: New U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes in zircon
L Shumlyanskyy, C Hawkesworth, K Billström, S Bogdanova, O Mytrokhyn, ...
Precambrian Research 292, 216-239, 2017
Nd isotope data on 1.9-1.2 Ga old basic rocks and metasediments from the Bothnian basin, central Sweden
S Claesson
Precambrian Research 35, 115-126, 1987
The north‐eastern Polish anorthosite massifs: petrological, geochemical and isotopic evidence for a crustal derivation
J Wiszniewska, S Claesson, H Stein, JV Auwera, JC Duchesne
Terra Nova 14 (6), 451-460, 2002
207Pb/206Pb ages and Hf isotope composition of zircons from sedimentary rocks of the Ukrainian shield: crustal growth of the south-western part of East European craton from …
L Shumlyanskyy, C Hawkesworth, B Dhuime, K Billström, S Claesson, ...
Precambrian research 260, 39-54, 2015
Multiple monazite growth in the Åreskutan migmatite: evidence for a polymetamorphic Late Ordovician to Late Silurian evolution in the Seve Nappe Complex of west-central …
J Majka, Y Be’eri-Shlevin, DG Gee, A Ladenberger, S Claesson, ...
Journal of Geosciences 57 (1), 3-23, 2012
Isotopic evidence for the Precambrian provenance and Caledonian metamorphism of high grade paragneisses from the Seve Nappes, Scandinavian Caledonides: I. conventional U-Pb …
S Claesson
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 97 (2), 196-204, 1987
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مقالات 1–20