Goran Nenadic
Goran Nenadic
Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على manchester.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Machine learning methods for wind turbine condition monitoring: A review
A Stetco, F Dinmohammadi, X Zhao, V Robu, D Flynn, M Barnes, J Keane, ...
Renewable energy 133, 620-635, 2019
Term identification in the biomedical literature
M Krauthammer, G Nenadic
Journal of biomedical informatics 37 (6), 512-526, 2004
LINNAEUS: a species name identification system for biomedical literature
M Gerner, G Nenadic, CM Bergman
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-17, 2010
Clinical text data in machine learning: systematic review
I Spasic, G Nenadic
JMIR medical informatics 8 (3), e17984, 2020
# WhyWeTweetMH: understanding why people use Twitter to discuss mental health problems
N Berry, F Lobban, M Belousov, R Emsley, G Nenadic, S Bucci
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (4), e107, 2017
Text mining of cancer-related information: review of current status and future directions
I Spasić, J Livsey, JA Keane, G Nenadić
International journal of medical informatics 83 (9), 605-623, 2014
A text mining approach to the prediction of disease status from clinical discharge summaries
H Yang, I Spasic, JA Keane, G Nenadic
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 16 (4), 596-600, 2009
Bias in the reporting of sex and age in biomedical research on mouse models
O Florez-Vargas, A Brass, G Karystianis, M Bramhall, R Stevens, ...
Elife 5, e13615, 2016
Enhancing automatic term recognition through recognition of variation
G Nenadic, S Ananiadou, J McNaught
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on …, 2004
Combining rules and machine learning for extraction of temporal expressions and events from clinical narratives
A Kovačević, A Dehghan, M Filannino, JA Keane, G Nenadic
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (5), 859-866, 2013
Data and systems for medication-related text classification and concept normalization from Twitter: insights from the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H)-2017 shared task
A Sarker, M Belousov, J Friedrichs, K Hakala, S Kiritchenko, F Mehryary, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 25 (10), 1274-1283, 2018
The GNAT library for local and remote gene mention normalization
J Hakenberg, M Gerner, M Haeussler, I Solt, C Plake, M Schroeder, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (19), 2769-2771, 2011
Automatic discovery of term similarities using pattern mining
G Nenadic, I Spasić, S Ananiadou
COLING-02: COMPUTERM 2002: Second International Workshop on Computational …, 2002
Medication information extraction with linguistic pattern matching and semantic rules
I Spasić, F Sarafraz, JA Keane, G Nenadić
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (5), 532-535, 2010
Combining knowledge-and data-driven methods for de-identification of clinical narratives
A Dehghan, A Kovacevic, G Karystianis, JA Keane, G Nenadic
Journal of biomedical informatics 58, S53-S59, 2015
A parallel distributed weka framework for big data mining using spark
AK Koliopoulos, P Yiapanis, F Tekiner, G Nenadic, J Keane
2015 IEEE international congress on big data, 9-16, 2015
Terminology-driven mining of biomedical literature
G Nenadić, I Spasić, S Ananiadou
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 83-87, 2003
Extracting useful software development information from mobile application reviews: A survey of intelligent mining techniques and tools
M Tavakoli, L Zhao, A Heydari, G Nenadić
Expert Systems with Applications 113, 186-199, 2018
BioContext: an integrated text mining system for large-scale extraction and contextualization of biomolecular events
M Gerner, F Sarafraz, CM Bergman, G Nenadic
Bioinformatics 28 (16), 2154-2161, 2012
Mining protein function from text using term-based support vector machines
SB Rice, G Nenadic, BJ Stapley
BMC bioinformatics 6, 1-11, 2005
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مقالات 1–20