Andrew Watkinson
Andrew Watkinson
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Long-term region-wide declines in Caribbean corals
TA Gardner, IM Côté, JA Gill, A Grant, AR Watkinson
science 301 (5635), 958-960, 2003
Flattening of Caribbean coral reefs: region-wide declines in architectural complexity
L Alvarez-Filip, NK Dulvy, JA Gill, IM Côté, AR Watkinson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1669), 3019-3025, 2009
Horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2011
WJ Sutherland, S Bardsley, L Bennun, M Clout, IM Côté, MH Depledge, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 26 (1), 10-16, 2011
Dynamics of shrub encroachment in an African savanna: relative influences of fire, herbivory, rainfall and density dependence
KG Roques, TG O'connor, AR Watkinson
Journal of Applied Ecology 38 (2), 268-280, 2001
Multi-functionality and biodiversity in arbuscular mycorrhizas
KK Newsham, AH Fitter, AR Watkinson
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 10 (10), 407-411, 1995
Arbuscular mycorrhiza protect an annual grass from root pathogenic fungi in the field
KK Newsham, AH Fitter, AR Watkinson
Journal of ecology, 991-1000, 1995
One hundred questions of importance to the conservation of global biological diversity
WJ Sutherland, WM Adams, RB Aronson, R Aveling, TM Blackburn, ...
Conservation biology 23 (3), 557-567, 2009
The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK
WJ Sutherland, S ARMSTRONG‐BROWN, PR Armsworth, B Tom, ...
Journal of applied ecology 43 (4), 617-627, 2006
Biological invasion risks and the public good: an economic perspective
C Perrings, M Williamson, EB Barbier, D Delfino, S Dalmazzone, ...
Conservation Ecology 6 (1), 2002
Hurricanes and Caribbean coral reefs: impacts, recovery patterns, and role in long‐term decline
TA Gardner, IM Côté, JA Gill, A Grant, AR Watkinson
Ecology 86 (1), 174-184, 2005
A method to quantify the effects of human disturbance on animal populations
JA Gill, WJ Sutherland, AR Watkinson
Journal of applied Ecology, 786-792, 1996
Sources, sinks and pseudo-sinks
AR Watkinson, WJ Sutherland
Journal of animal ecology, 126-130, 1995
On the analysis of competition within two-species mixtures of plants
LG Firbank, AR Watkinson
Journal of Applied Ecology, 503-517, 1985
Predicting the impact of sea‐level rise on Caribbean sea turtle nesting habitat
MR Fish, IM Côté, JA Gill, AP Jones, S Renshoff, AR Watkinson
Conservation biology 19 (2), 482-491, 2005
Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation
CA Peres, C Baider, PA Zuidema, LHO Wadt, KA Kainer, ...
Science 302 (5653), 2112-2114, 2003
Large‐scale spatial dynamics of plants: metapopulations, regional ensembles and patchy populations
RP Freckleton, AR Watkinson
Journal of Ecology 90 (3), 419-434, 2002
Island-specific preferences of tourists for environmental features: implications of climate change for tourism-dependent states
MC Uyarra, IM Côté, JA Gill, RRT Tinch, D Viner, AR Watkinson
Environmental conservation 32 (1), 11-19, 2005
Density-dependence in single-species populations of plants
AR Watkinson
Journal of Theoretical Biology 83 (2), 345-357, 1980
Predictions of biodiversity response to genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops
AR Watkinson, RP Freckleton, RA Robinson, WJ Sutherland
Science 289 (5484), 1554-1557, 2000
Grasslands, grazing and biodiversity: editors' introduction
AR Watkinson, SJ Ormerod
Journal of applied ecology, 233-237, 2001
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مقالات 1–20