Duncan Babbage, PhD
Duncan Babbage, PhD
Founder, Intro Limited. Adjunct Senior Fellow, University of Queensland. Prev: eHealth, PCRC at AUT
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Meta-analysis of facial affect recognition difficulties after traumatic brain injury.
DR Babbage, J Yim, B Zupan, D Neumann, MR Tomita, B Willer
Neuropsychology 25 (3), 277-285, 2011
A randomized controlled trial of emotion recognition training after traumatic brain injury
D Neumann, DR Babbage, B Zupan, B Willer
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 30 (3), E12-E23, 2015
Overview of impaired facial affect recognition in persons with traumatic brain injury
D Radice-Neumann, B Zupan, DR Babbage, B Willer
Brain injury 21 (8), 807-816, 2007
Affect recognition, empathy, and dysosmia after traumatic brain injury
D Neumann, B Zupan, DR Babbage, AJ Radnovich, M Tomita, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 93 (8), 1414-1420, 2012
The importance of vocal affect to bimodal processing of emotion: Implications for individuals with traumatic brain injury
B Zupan, D Neumann, DR Babbage, B Willer
Journal of Communication Disorders 42 (1), 1-17, 2009
Assessing executive performance during cognitive rehabilitation
MW Lewis, DR Babbage, JM Leathem
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 21 (2), 145-163, 2011
Philosophical worldview and personality factors in traditional and social scientists: Studying the world in our own image
DR Babbage, KR Ronan
Personality and individual differences 28 (2), 405-420, 2000
Film clips and narrative text as subjective emotion elicitation techniques
B Zupan, DR Babbage
The Journal of social psychology 157 (2), 194-210, 2017
The relationship between facial affect recognition and cognitive functioning after traumatic brain injury
J Yim, DR Babbage, B Zupan, D Neumann, B Willer
Brain injury 27 (10), 1155-1161, 2013
Culturally adapted cognitive behaviour therapy for Māori with major depression
ST Bennett, RA Flett, DR Babbage
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 7, e20, 2014
Recognition of facial and vocal affect following traumatic brain injury
B Zupan, D Babbage, D Neumann, B Willer
Brain injury 28 (8), 1087-1095, 2014
Mobile technology use by people experiencing multiple sclerosis fatigue: survey methodology
K Van Kessel, DR Babbage, N Reay, WM Miner-Williams, P Kersten
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 5 (2), e6192, 2017
Affective disorders after traumatic brain injury: Cautions in the use of the SCL-90-R, after traumatic brain injury
JM Leathem, D Babbage
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 15 (6), 1246-1255, 2000
MS Energize: field trial of an app for self-management of fatigue for people with multiple sclerosis
DR Babbage, K van Kessel, J Drown, S Thomas, A Sezier, P Thomas, ...
Internet interventions 18, 100291, 2019
Sex differences in emotion recognition and emotional inferencing following severe traumatic brain injury
B Zupan, D Babbage, D Neumann, B Willer
Brain Impairment 18 (1), 36-48, 2017
Sex-based differences in affective and cognitive empathy following severe traumatic brain injury.
B Zupan, D Neumann, D Babbage, B Willer
Neuropsychology 32 (5), 554, 2018
Considerations for culturally responsive cognitive-behavioural therapy for Māori with depression
ST Bennett, RA Flett, DR Babbage
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 10, e8, 2016
Making sense of recovery after traumatic brain injury through a peer mentoring intervention: a qualitative exploration
P Kersten, C Cummins, N Kayes, D Babbage, H Elder, A Foster, ...
BMJ open 8 (10), e020672, 2018
Facial affect recognition difficulties in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation services
AM Biszak, DR Babbage
Brain injury 28 (1), 97-104, 2014
Solvent neurotoxicity in vehicle collision repair workers in New Zealand
S Keer, B Glass, B Prezant, D McLean, N Pearce, E Harding, ...
Neurotoxicology 57, 223-229, 2016
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20