Paat Rusmevichientong
Paat Rusmevichientong
Professor, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Linearly parameterized bandits
P Rusmevichientong, JN Tsitsiklis
Mathematics of Operations Research 35 (2), 395-411, 2010
Dynamic assortment optimization with a multinomial logit choice model and capacity constraint
P Rusmevichientong, ZJM Shen, DB Shmoys
Operations Research 58 (6), 1666-1680, 2010
Computer-based analysis of affiliate web site performance
M Anderson, D Kumar, P Rusmevichientong, D Selinger, A Michelle K, ...
US Patent 7,797,197 and 8,510,17, 2004
Assortment optimization under the multinomial logit model with random choice parameters
P Rusmevichientong, D Shmoys, C Tong, H Topaloglu
Production and Operations Management 23 (11), 2023-2039, 2014
Dynamic pricing under a general parametric choice model
J Broder, P Rusmevichientong
Operations Research 60 (4), 965-980, 2012
Real-time optimization of personalized assortments
N Golrezaei, H Nazerzadeh, P Rusmevichientong
Management Science 60 (6), 1532-1551, 2014
A nonparametric asymptotic analysis of inventory planning with censored demand
WT Huh, P Rusmevichientong
Mathematics of Operations Research 34 (1), 103-123, 2009
The d-level nested logit model: Assortment and price optimization problems
G Li, P Rusmevichientong, H Topaloglu
Operations Research 63 (2), 325-342, 2015
Adaptive data-driven inventory control policies based on Kaplan-Meier estimator
WT Huh, R Levi, P Rusmevichientong, JB Orlin
Operations Research 59 (4), 929-941, 2011
Robust assortment optimization in revenue management under the multinomial logit choice model
P Rusmevichientong, H Topaloglu
Operations research 60 (4), 865-882, 2012
An adaptive algorithm for selecting profitable keywords for search-based advertising services
P Rusmevichientong, DP Williamson
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 260-269, 2006
A nonparametric approach to multiproduct pricing
P Rusmevichientong, B Van Roy, PW Glynn
Operations Research 54 (1), 82-98, 2006
Asymptotic optimality of order-up-to policies in lost sales inventory systems
WT Huh, G Janakiraman, JA Muckstadt, P Rusmevichientong
Management Science 55 (3), 404-420, 2009
A nonparametric joint assortment and price choice model
S Jagabathula, P Rusmevichientong
Management Science 63 (9), 3128-3145, 2017
Penalized and constrained optimization: an application to high-dimensional website advertising
GM James, C Paulson, P Rusmevichientong
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2020
An analysis of belief propagation on the turbo decoding graph with Gaussian densities
P Rusmevichientong, B Van Roy
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47 (2), 745-765, 2001
A structured multiarmed bandit problem and the greedy policy
AJ Mersereau, P Rusmevichientong, JN Tsitsiklis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (12), 2787-2802, 2009
Methods for sampling pages uniformly from the world wide web
P Rusmevichientong, DM Pennock, S Lawrence, CL Giles
AAAI fall symposium on using uncertainty within computation, 121-128, 2001
Identifying early adopters and items adopted by them
DL Selinger, B Lathia, HC Pang, D Liu, S Zhu, P Rusmevichientong
US Patent 7,536,322, 2009
Dynamic assortment optimization for reusable products with random usage durations
P Rusmevichientong, M Sumida, H Topaloglu
To appear in Management Science, 2019
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مقالات 1–20