Giorgio Vacchiano
Giorgio Vacchiano
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Forest disturbances under climate change
R Seidl, D Thom, M Kautz, D Martin-Benito, M Peltoniemi, G Vacchiano, ...
Nature Climate Change 7, 395-402, 2017
Driving factors of a vegetation shift from Scots pine to pubescent oak in dry Alpine forests
A Rigling, C Bigler, B Eilmann, E Feldmeyer-Christe, U Gimmi, C Ginzler, ...
Global Change Biology 19, 229-240, 2013
Generalized biomass and leaf area allometric equations for European tree species incorporating stand structure, tree age and climate
DI Forrester, IHH Tachauer, P Annighoefer, I Barbeito, H Pretzsch, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 396, 160-175, 2017
A walk on the wild side: Disturbance dynamics and the conservation and management of European mountain forest ecosystems
D Kulakowski, R Seidl, J Holeksa, T Kuuluvainen, TA Nagel, M Panayotov, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 388, 120-131, 2017
Climatically controlled reproduction drives inter-annual growth variability in a temperate tree species
A Hacket-Pain, D Ascoli, G Vacchiano, F Biondi, L Cavin, M Conedera, ...
Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13158, 2018
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long-term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale
H Bugmann, R Seidl, F Hartig, F Bohn, J Bruna, M Cailleret, L Francois, ...
Ecosphere, doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2616, 2019
Spatial patterns and broad‐scale weather cues of beech mast seeding in Europe
G Vacchiano, A Hacket‐Pain, M Turco, R Motta, J Maringer, M Conedera, ...
New Phytologist 215 (2), 595-608, 2017
Forest carbon allocation modelling under climate change
K Merganičová, J Merganič, A Lehtonen, G Vacchiano
Tree Physiology, doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpz105, 2019
Meta-analysis Reveals Different Competition Effects on Tree Growth Resistance and Resilience to Drought
D Castagneri, G Vacchiano, A Hacket-Pain, JR DeRose, T Klein, ...
Ecosystems, doi: 10.1007/s10021-021-00638, 2021
Precision restoration: A necessary approach to foster forest recovery in the 21st century
J Castro, M Fernando, FB Navarro, L Magnus, G Vacchiano, A Domingo
Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 2021
Available and missing data to model impact of climate change on European forests
P Ruiz-Benito, G Vacchiano, ER Lines, CPO Reyer, S Ratcliffe, X Morin, ...
Ecological Modelling 416, 108870, 2020
Inter-annual and decadal changes in teleconnections drive continental-scale synchronization of tree reproduction
D Ascoli, G Vacchiano, M Turco, M Conedera, I Drobyshev, J Maringer, ...
Nature Communications 8, 2205, 2017
Analysis of intraspecific competition in two subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands in Paneveggio (Trento, Italy)
D Castagneri, G Vacchiano, E Lingua, R Motta
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 651-659, 2008
From theory to experiments for testing the proximate mechanisms of mast seeding: an agenda for an experimental ecology
M Bogdziewicz, D Ascoli, A Hacket-Pain, W Koenig, I Pearse, ...
Silviculture and wind damages. The storm “Vaia”
R Motta, D Ascoli, P Corona, M Marchetti, G Vacchiano
Forest@ 15 (1), 94-98, 2018
Geographical adaptation prevails over species‐specific determinism in trees’ vulnerability to climate change at Mediterranean rear‐edge forests
I Dorado‐Liñán, G Piovesan, E Martínez‐Sancho, G Gea‐Izquierdo, ...
Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14544, 2018
Forest dynamics and disturbance regimes in the Italian Apennines
G Vacchiano, M Garbarino, E Lingua, R Motta
Forest Ecology and Management 388, 57-66, 2017
Evidences of drought stress as a predisposing factor to Scots pine decline in Valle d’Aosta (Italy)
G Vacchiano, M Garbarino, E Borgogno Mondino, R Motta
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 989-1000, 2012
Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence
T Qiu, MC Aravena, R Andrus, D Ascoli, Y Bergeron, R Berretti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (34), e2106130118, 2021
Tackling unresolved questions in forest ecology: the past and future role of simulation models
I Marechaux, F Langerwisch, A Huth, H Bugmann, X Morin, C Reyer, ...
Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.7391, 2021
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مقالات 1–20