Ming Li
Ming Li
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
An improved statistical approach to merge satellite rainfall estimates and raingauge data
M Li, Q Shao
Journal of Hydrology 385 (1-4), 51-64, 2010
A new regionalization approach and its application to predict flow duration curve in ungauged basins
M Li, Q Shao, L Zhang, FHS Chiew
Journal of Hydrology 389 (1-2), 137-145, 2010
Predicting runoff signatures using regression and hydrological modeling approaches
Y Zhang, FHS Chiew, M Li, D Post
Water Resources Research 54 (10), 7859-7878, 2018
An empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test for time series
SX Chen, W Härdle, M Li
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2003
Statistical uncertainty estimation using random forests and its application to drought forecast
J Chen, M Li, W Wang
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 915053, 2012
Predicting hydrological signatures in ungauged catchments using spatial interpolation, index model, and rainfall–runoff modelling
Y Zhang, J Vaze, FHS Chiew, J Teng, M Li
Journal of Hydrology 517, 936-948, 2014
Reliable long‐range ensemble streamflow forecasts: Combining calibrated climate forecasts with a conceptual runoff model and a staged error model
JC Bennett, QJ Wang, M Li, DE Robertson, A Schepen
Water Resources Research 52 (10), 8238-8259, 2016
Estimating annual runoff in response to forest change: a statistical method based on random forest
M Li, Y Zhang, J Wallace, E Campbell
Journal of Hydrology 589, 125168, 2020
Error reduction and representation in stages (ERRIS) in hydrological modelling for ensemble streamflow forecasting
M Li, QJ Wang, JC Bennett, DE Robertson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3561-3579, 2016
Assessment of an ensemble seasonal streamflow forecasting system for Australia
JC Bennett, QJ Wang, DE Robertson, A Schepen, M Li, K Michael
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (12), 6007-6030, 2017
Comparing flow duration curve and rainfall–runoff modelling for predicting daily runoff in ungauged catchments
Y Zhang, J Vaze, FHS Chiew, M Li
Journal of Hydrology 525, 72-86, 2015
A strategy to overcome adverse effects of autoregressive updating of streamflow forecasts
M Li, QJ Wang, JC Bennett, DE Robertson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (1), 1-15, 2015
An improved statistical analogue downscaling procedure for seasonal precipitation forecast
Q Shao, M Li
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 27 (4), 819-830, 2013
Improved error modelling for streamflow forecasting at hourly time steps by splitting hydrographs into rising and falling limbs
M Li, QJ Wang, DE Robertson, JC Bennett
Journal of Hydrology 555, 586-599, 2017
Application of a macroscale hydrologic model to estimate streamflow across southeast Australia
F Zhao, FHS Chiew, L Zhang, J Vaze, JM Perraud, M Li
Journal of Hydrometeorology 13 (4), 1233-1250, 2012
Streamflow forecasting using functional-coefficient time series model with periodic variation
Q Shao, H Wong, M Li, WC Ip
Journal of Hydrology 368 (1-4), 88-95, 2009
Bayesian designs with frequentist and Bayesian error rate considerations
YG Wang, DHY Leung, M Li, SB Tan
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 14 (5), 445-456, 2005
Accounting for seasonal dependence in hydrological model errors and prediction uncertainty
M Li, QJ Wang, J Bennett
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5913-5929, 2013
Experimental evaluation of the dynamic seasonal streamflow forecasting approach
NK Tuteja, T Chia, G Evin, D Kavetski, U Khan, G Kuczera, R Laugesen, ...
Bureau of Meteorology, 2011
A new trend analysis for seasonal time series with consideration of data dependence
Q Shao, M Li
Journal of hydrology 396 (1-2), 104-112, 2011
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مقالات 1–20