Andreas Lang
Andreas Lang
Department Environment & Biodiversity, University of Salzburg, Austria
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Human impact on the environment in the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands—a state of the art
J Nyssen, J Poesen, J Moeyersons, J Deckers, M Haile, A Lang
Earth-science reviews 64 (3-4), 273-320, 2004
Equivalent dose estimation using a single aliquot of polymineral fine grains
D Banerjee, AS Murray, L Bøtter-Jensen, A Lang
Radiation measurements 33 (1), 73-94, 2001
High-resolution record of the last Interglacial–glacial cycle in the Nussloch loess–palaeosol sequences, Upper Rhine Area, Germany
P Antoine, DD Rousseau, L Zöller, A Lang, AV Munaut, C Hatté, ...
Quaternary International 76, 211-229, 2001
Rapid and cyclic aeolian deposition during the Last Glacial in European loess: a high-resolution record from Nussloch, Germany
P Antoine, DD Rousseau, O Moine, S Kunesch, C Hatté, A Lang, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2955-2973, 2009
Classic and new dating methods for assessing the temporal occurrence of mass movements
A Lang, J Moya, J Corominas, L Schrott, R Dikau
Geomorphology 30 (1-2), 33-52, 1999
Abrupt millennial climatic changes from Nussloch (Germany) Upper Weichselian eolian records during the Last Glaciation
DD Rousseau, P Antoine, C Hatté, A Lang, L Zöller, M Fontugne, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (14-15), 1577-1582, 2002
Age and source of colluvial sediments at Vaihingen–Enz, Germany
A Lang, S Hönscheidt
Catena 38 (2), 89-107, 1999
Holocene river activity: analysing 14C-dated fluvial and colluvial sediments from Germany
T Hoffmann, A Lang, R Dikau
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (21-22), 2031-2040, 2008
Phases of soil erosion-derived colluviation in the loess hills of South Germany
A Lang
Catena 51 (3-4), 209-221, 2003
Annually dated late Weichselian continental paleoclimate record from the Eifel, Germany
B Zolitschka, A Brauer, JFW Negendank, H Stockhausen, A Lang
Geology 28 (9), 783-786, 2000
Changes in sediment flux and storage within a fluvial system: some examples from the Rhine catchment
A Lang, HR Bork, R Mäckel, N Preston, J Wunderlich, R Dikau
Hydrological Processes 17 (16), 3321-3334, 2003
δ13C of loess organic matter as a potential proxy for paleoprecipitation
C Hatté, P Antoine, M Fontugne, A Lang, DD Rousseau, L Zöller
Quaternary Research 55 (1), 33-38, 2001
OSL dating of coarse-grain fluvial quartz using single-aliquot protocols on sediments from NE Peloponnese, Greece
M Fuchs, A Lang
Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (5-9), 783-787, 2001
High-resolution chronologies for loess: comparing AMS 14C and optical dating results
A Lang, C Hatté, DD Rousseau, P Antoine, M Fontugne, L Zöller, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (10-13), 953-959, 2003
Luminescence dating of hillslope deposits—A review
M Fuchs, A Lang
Geomorphology 109 (1-2), 17-26, 2009
Trends and controls of Holocene floodplain sedimentation in the Rhine catchment
T Hoffmann, G Erkens, R Gerlach, J Klostermann, A Lang
Catena 77 (2), 96-106, 2009
Holocene alluvial sediment storage in a small river catchment in the loess area of central Belgium
T Rommens, G Verstraeten, P Bogman, I Peeters, J Poesen, G Govers, ...
Geomorphology 77 (1-2), 187-201, 2006
Luminescence dating of glaciofluvial deposits: a review
IM Thrasher, B Mauz, RC Chiverrell, A Lang
Earth-Science Reviews 97 (1-4), 133-146, 2009
Link between European and North Atlantic abrupt climate changes over the last glaciation
DD Rousseau, A Sima, P Antoine, C Hatté, A Lang, L Zöller
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (22), 2007
Bayesian modelling the retreat of the Irish Sea Ice Stream
RC Chiverrell, IM Thrasher, GSP Thomas, A Lang, JD Scourse, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (2), 200-209, 2013
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مقالات 1–20