Thanh Khoa Phung
Thanh Khoa Phung
International University - Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Diethyl ether cracking and ethanol dehydration: acid catalysis and reaction paths
TK Phung, G Busca
Chemical engineering journal 272, 92-101, 2015
Dehydration of ethanol over zeolites, silica alumina and alumina: Lewis acidity, Brønsted acidity and confinement effects
TK Phung, LP Hernández, A Lagazzo, G Busca
Applied Catalysis A: General 493, 77-89, 2015
A study of commercial transition aluminas and of their catalytic activity in the dehydration of ethanol
TK Phung, A Lagazzo, MÁ Rivero Crespo, V Sánchez Escribano, G Busca
Journal of Catalysis 311, 102-113, 2014
Ethanol dehydration on silica-aluminas: active sites and ethylene/diethyl ether selectivities
TK Phung, G Busca
Catalysis Communications 68, 110-115, 2015
Conversion of ethanol over transition metal oxide catalysts: effect of tungsta addition on catalytic behaviour of titania and zirconia
TK Phung, LP Hernández, G Busca
Applied Catalysis A: General 489, 180-187, 2015
(Bio) Propylene production processes: A critical review
TK Phung, TLM Pham, KB Vu, G Busca
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (4), 105673, 2021
Surface and catalytic properties of some γ-Al2O3 powders
TK Phung, C Herrera, MÁ Larrubia, M García-Diéguez, E Finocchio, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 483, 41-51, 2014
On the Lewis acidity of protonic zeolites
TK Phung, G Busca
Applied Catalysis A: General 504, 151-157, 2015
Catalytic cleavage of the β-O-4 aryl ether bonds of lignin model compounds by Ru/C catalyst
MA Hossain, TK Phung, MS Rahaman, S Tulaphol, JB Jasinski, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 582, 117100, 2019
Tuning of product selectivity in the conversion of ethanol to hydrocarbons over H-ZSM-5 based zeolite catalysts
TK Phung, R Radikapratama, G Garbarino, A Lagazzo, P Riani, G Busca
Fuel Processing Technology 137, 290-297, 2015
Catalytic pyrolysis of vegetable oils to biofuels: catalyst functionalities and the role of ketonization on the oxygenate paths
TK Phung, AA Casazza, P Perego, P Capranica, G Busca
Fuel Processing Technology 140, 119-124, 2015
Hydrophobic functionalization of HY zeolites for efficient conversion of glycerol to solketal
MS Rahaman, TK Phung, MA Hossain, E Chowdhury, S Tulaphol, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 592, 117369, 2020
Catalytic conversion of ethyl acetate over faujasite zeolites
TK Phung, MM Carnasciali, E Finocchio, G Busca
Applied Catalysis A: General 470, 72-80, 2014
Effect of supports and promoters on the performance of Ni‐based catalysts in ethanol steam reforming
TK Phung, TLM Pham, ANT Nguyen, KB Vu, HN Giang, TA Nguyen, ...
Chemical Engineering & Technology 43 (4), 672-688, 2020
Catalytic conversion of ethyl acetate and acetic acid on alumina as models of vegetable oils conversion to biofuels
TK Phung, AA Casazza, B Aliakbarian, E Finocchio, P Perego, G Busca
Chemical engineering journal 215, 838-848, 2013
Preparation of supported catalysts: A study of the effect of small amounts of silica on Ni/Al2O3 catalysts
G Garbarino, S Chitsazan, TK Phung, P Riani, G Busca
Applied Catalysis A: General 505, 86-97, 2015
Direct production of levulinic acid in one pot from hemp hurd by dilute acid in ionic liquids
S Tulaphol, MA Hossain, MS Rahaman, LY Liu, TK Phung, S Renneckar, ...
Energy & Fuels 34 (2), 1764-1772, 2019
Removal of cationic dye using polyvinyl alcohol membrane functionalized by D-glucose and agar
TT Nguyen, TK Phung, XT Bui, VD Doan, T Van Tran, KT Lim, TD Nguyen
Journal of Water Process Engineering 40, 101982, 2021
Copper-based catalysts for ethanol dehydrogenation and dehydrogenative coupling into hydrogen, acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate
TK Phung
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (100), 42234-42249, 2022
Polystyrene nanoparticles prepared by nanoprecipitation: A recyclable template for fabricating hollow silica
KB Vu, TK Phung, TTT Tran, C Mugemana, HN Giang, TLP Nhi
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 97, 307-315, 2021
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مقالات 1–20