Russell A. Ligon
Russell A. Ligon
Data Scientist
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Chameleons communicate with complex colour changes during contests: different body regions convey different information
RA Ligon, KJ McGraw
Biology letters 9 (6), 20130892, 2013
Evolution of correlated complexity in the radically different courtship signals of birds-of-paradise
RA Ligon, CD Diaz, JL Morano, J Troscianko, M Stevens, A Moskeland, ...
PLoS biology 16 (11), doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2006962, 2018
Biochemical regulation of pigment motility in vertebrate chromatophores: a review of physiological color change mechanisms
RA Ligon, KL McCartney
Current zoology 62 (3), 237-252, 2016
Ecological and geographical overlap drive plumage evolution and mimicry in woodpeckers
ET Miller, GM Leighton, BG Freeman, AC Lees, RA Ligon
Nature communications 10 (1), 1602, 2019
Dynamic color communication
P Hutton, BM Seymoure, KJ McGraw, RA Ligon, RK Simpson
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6, 41-49, 2015
Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa
KJ Odom, M Araya‐Salas, JL Morano, RA Ligon, GM Leighton, CC Taff, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1135-1159, 2021
Defeated chameleons darken dynamically during dyadic disputes to decrease danger from dominants
RA Ligon
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 1007-1017, 2014
Social costs are an underappreciated force for honest signalling in animal aggregations
MS Webster, RA Ligon, GM Leighton
Animal Behaviour 143, 167-176, 2018
Urban and colorful male house finches are less aggressive
M Hasegawa, RA Ligon, M Giraudeau, M Watanabe, KJ McGraw
Behavioral Ecology 25 (3), 641-649, 2014
Host reproductive phenology drives seasonal patterns of host use in mosquitoes
ND Burkett-Cadena, CJW McClure, RA Ligon, SP Graham, C Guyer, ...
PLOS one 6 (3), e17681, 2011
Social costs enforce honesty of a dynamic signal of motivation
RA Ligon, KJ McGraw
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1841), 20161873, 2016
Vector–host interactions in avian nests: do mosquitoes prefer nestlings over adults?
ND Burkett-Cadena, RA Ligon, M Liu, HK Hassan, GE Hill, MD Eubanks, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 83 (2), 395, 2010
Feeding decisions of eastern bluebirds are situationally influenced by fledgling plumage color
RA Ligon, GE Hill
Behavioral Ecology 21 (3), 456-464, 2010
Evolutionary innovation and diversification of carotenoid-based pigmentation in finches
RA Ligon, RK Simpson, NA Mason, GE Hill, KJ McGraw
Evolution 70 (12), 2839-2852, 2016
A chorus of color: hierarchical and graded information content of rapid color change signals in chameleons
RA Ligon, KJ McGraw
Behavioral Ecology 29 (5), 1075-1087, 2018
Sex-biased parental investment is correlated with mate ornamentation in eastern bluebirds
RA Ligon, GE Hill
Animal Behaviour 79 (3), 727-734, 2010
Avian anthrophobia? Behavioral and physiological responses of house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) to human and predator threats across an urban gradient
M Weaver, RA Ligon, M Mousel, KJ McGraw
Landscape and Urban Planning 179, 46-54, 2018
Visual detection and avoidance of pathogenic bacteria by aphids
TA Hendry, RA Ligon, KR Besler, RL Fay, MR Smee
Current Biology 28 (19), 3158-3164. e4, 2018
Invasive fire ants reduce reproductive success and alter the reproductive strategies of a native vertebrate insectivore
RA Ligon, L Siefferman, GE Hill
PloS one 6 (7), e22578, 2011
Do adult eastern bluebird, Sialia sialis, males recognize juvenile-specific traits?
RA Ligon, GE Hill
Animal Behaviour 77 (5), 1267-1272, 2009
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مقالات 1–20