Atomistic simulations of copper oxidation and Cu/Cu O interfaces using charge-optimized many-body potentials B Devine, TR Shan, YT Cheng, AJH McGaughey, M Lee, SR Phillpot, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (12), 125308, 2011
92 2011 Ab initio atomistic thermodynamics study of the early stages of Cu(100) oxidation WA Saidi, M Lee, L Li, G Zhou, AJH McGaughey
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (24), 245429, 2012
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (16), 165447, 2011
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 199904, 2012
3 2012 Numerical Modeling of a Micro-Scale Stirling Cooler D Guo, AJH McGaughey, J Gao, GK Fedder, M Lee, SC Yao
Heat Transfer Summer Conference 44779, 331-337, 2012
2 2012 Atomistic simulations of copper oxidation and Cu/Cu2O interfaces using charge-optimized many-body potentials (vol 84, 125308, 2011) B Devine, TR Shan, YT Cheng, AJH McGaughey, M Lee, SR Phillpot, ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85 (19), 2012
2012 Atomic-level Modeling of the Early Stages of Cu (100) Oxidation M Lee
Carnegie Mellon University, 2011
2011 The Surface Kinetics of the Initial Oxidation Stages of Cu and Cu Alloys JC Yang, Y Kang, L Luo, C Fleck, M Lee, A McGaughey, JA Eastman, ...
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2010 Atomic-level modeling of the early stages of copper (100) oxidation M Lee
Carnegie Mellon University, 2010
2010 Investigation of atomic oxygen embedment into copper surface by DFT calculation M Lee, A McGaughey, S Sinnott, S Phillpot, J Yang
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