Florent Bourquard
Florent Bourquard
Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516, Université Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne, France), Université
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Review of graphene growth from a solid carbon source by pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
Y Bleu, F Bourquard, T Tite, AS Loir, C Maddi, C Donnet, F Garrelie
Frontiers in chemistry 6, 572, 2018
Raman study of the substrate influence on graphene synthesis using a solid carbon source via rapid thermal annealing
Y Bleu, F Bourquard, AS Loir, V Barnier, F Garrelie, C Donnet
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 50 (11), 1630-1641, 2019
Nano-Architecture of nitrogen-doped graphene films synthesized from a solid CN source
C Maddi, F Bourquard, V Barnier, J Avila, MC Asensio, T Tite, C Donnet, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3247, 2018
Ultrafast laser nanostructuring in bulk silica, a “slow” microexplosion
MK Bhuyan, M Somayaji, A Mermillod-Blondin, F Bourquard, ...
Optica 4 (8), 951-958, 2017
Donor–Acceptor Type Thioxanthones: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Two-Photon Induced Polymerization
R Nazir, E Balčiu̅nas, D Buczyńska, F Bourquard, D Kowalska, D Gray, ...
Macromolecules 48 (8), 2466-2472, 2015
Dynamics of carbon diffusion and segregation through nickel catalyst, investigated by in-situ XPS, during the growth of nitrogen-doped graphene
Y Bleu, V Barnier, F Christien, F Bourquard, AS Loir, F Garrelie, C Donnet
Carbon 155, 410-420, 2019
Boron-doped graphene synthesis by pulsed laser co-deposition of carbon and boron
Y Bleu, F Bourquard, V Barnier, Y Lefkir, S Reynaud, AS Loir, F Garrelie, ...
Applied Surface Science 513, 145843, 2020
Control of the Graphite Femtosecond Ablation Plume Kinetics by Temporal Laser Pulse Shaping: Effects on Pulsed Laser Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon
F Bourquard, T Tite, AS Loir, C Donnet, F Garrelie
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (8), 4377-4385, 2014
π‐Expanded α, β‐Unsaturated Ketones: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Two‐Photon‐Induced Polymerization
R Nazir, F Bourquard, E Balčiūnas, S Smoleń, D Gray, NV Tkachenko, ...
ChemPhysChem 16 (3), 682-690, 2015
Towards Room Temperature Phase Transition of W-Doped VO2 Thin Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition: Thermochromic, Surface, and Structural Analysis
Y Bleu, F Bourquard, V Barnier, AS Loir, F Garrelie, C Donnet
Materials 16 (1), 461, 2023
Control of femtosecond pulsed laser ablation and deposition by temporal pulse shaping
F Garrelie, F Bourquard, C Donnet, JP Colombier
Optics & Laser Technology 78, 42-51, 2016
On the Insignificant Role of the Oxidation Process on Ultrafast High-Spatial-Frequency LIPSS Formation on Tungsten
P Dominic, F Bourquard, S Reynaud, A Weck, JP Colombier, F Garrelie
Nanomaterials 11 (5), 1069, 2021
Revisiting thin film of glassy carbon
H Diaf, A Pereira, P Melinon, N Blanchard, F Bourquard, F Garrelie, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (6), 066002, 2020
Initial Morphology and Feedback Effects on Laser-Induced Periodic Nanostructuring of Thin-Film Metallic Glasses
M Prudent, F Bourquard, A Borroto, JF Pierson, F Garrelie, JP Colombier
Nanomaterials 11 (5), 1076, 2021
Synthesis of vanadium oxides by pulsed laser deposition and rapid thermal annealing
EK Koussi, F Bourquard, T Tite, D Jamon, F Garrelie, Y Jourlin
Applied Surface Science 521, 146267, 2020
Graphene synthesis on SiO2 using pulsed laser deposition with bilayer predominance
Y Bleu, F Bourquard, V Gartiser, AS Loir, B Caja-Munoz, J Avila, V Barnier, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 238, 121905, 2019
Electroanalytical Performance of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Films Processed in One Step by Pulsed Laser Deposition Directly Coupled with Thermal Annealing
F Bourquard, Y Bleu, AS Loir, B Caja-Munoz, J Avila, MC Asensio, ...
Materials 12 (4), 666, 2019
Temporal pulse shaping effects on aluminium and boron ablation plumes generated by ultrashort pulsed laser ablation and analyzed by time-and space-resolved optical spectroscopy
F Bourquard, JP Colombier, M Guillermin, AS Loir, C Donnet, R Stoian, ...
Applied Surface Science 258 (23), 9374-9378, 2012
Effect of nitrogen surrounding gas and plasma assistance on nitrogen incorporation in aC: N films by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition
F Bourquard, C Maddi, C Donnet, AS Loir, V Barnier, K Wolski, F Garrelie
Applied Surface Science 374, 104-111, 2016
Transfer-free graphene synthesis by nickel catalyst dewetting using rapid thermal annealing
Y Bleu, F Bourquard, JY Michalon, Y Lefkir, S Reynaud, AS Loir, V Barnier, ...
Applied Surface Science 555, 149492, 2021
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مقالات 1–20