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279 1995 Microwave interferometry: Application to precision measurements and noise reduction techniques EN Ivanov, ME Tobar, RA Woode
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 45 …, 1998
199 1998 Tests of relativity by complementary rotating michelson-morley experiments H Müller, PL Stanwix, ME Tobar, E Ivanov, P Wolf, S Herrmann, A Senger, ...
Physical review letters 99 (5), 050401, 2007
197 2007 Low-noise synthesis of microwave signals from an optical source JJ McFerran, EN Ivanov, A Bartels, G Wilpers, CW Oates, SA Diddams, ...
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Physical Review D 68 (2), 022001, 2003
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103 2019 Low phase-noise sapphire crystal microwave oscillators: current status EN Ivanov, ME Tobar
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