Jakub Tworzydło
Jakub Tworzydło
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على fuw.edu.pl
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Valley filter and valley valve in graphene
A Rycerz, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker
Nature Physics 3 (3), 172-175, 2007
Sub-Poissonian shot noise in graphene
J Tworzydło, B Trauzettel, M Titov, A Rycerz, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 96 (24), 246802, 2006
Theory of the topological Anderson insulator
CW Groth, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 103 (19), 196805, 2009
One-parameter scaling at the Dirac point in graphene
JH Bardarson, J Tworzydło, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 99 (10), 106801, 2007
Quantum Goos-Hänchen effect in graphene
CWJ Beenakker, RA Sepkhanov, AR Akhmerov, J Tworzydło
Physical Review Letters 102 (14), 146804, 2009
Majorana Bound States without Vortices in Topological Superconductors<? format?> with Electrostatic Defects
M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov, MV Medvedyeva, J Tworzydło, ...
Physical review letters 105 (4), 046803, 2010
Anomalously large conductance fluctuations in weakly disordered graphene
A Rycerz, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Europhysics Letters 79 (5), 57003, 2007
The geometric order of stripes and Luttinger liquids
J Zaanen, OY Osman, HV Kruis, Z Nussinov, J Tworzydlo
Philosophical Magazine B 81 (10), 1485-1531, 2001
Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasibound states in open quantum systems
H Schomerus, J Tworzydło
Physical review letters 93 (15), 154102, 2004
The s, p-d exchange interaction in GaAs heavily doped with Mn
J Szczytko, W Mac, A Stachow, A Twardowski, P Becla, J Tworzydlo
Solid state communications 99 (12), 927-931, 1996
Finite difference method for transport properties of massless Dirac fermions
J Tworzydło, CW Groth, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (23), 235438, 2008
Quantum Hall effect in a one-dimensional dynamical system
JP Dahlhaus, JM Edge, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (11), 115133, 2011
Valley-isospin dependence of the quantum Hall effect in a graphene junction
J Tworzydło, I Snyman, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (3), 035411, 2007
Scattering theory of the chiral magnetic effect in a Weyl semimetal: interplay of bulk Weyl cones and surface Fermi arcs
P Baireuther, JA Hutasoit, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.02144, 2015
Effective mass and tricritical point for lattice fermions localized by a random mass
MV Medvedyeva, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B 81 (21), 2010
Dynamical model for the quantum-to-classical crossover of shot noise
J Tworzydło, A Tajic, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B 68 (11), 115313, 2003
Hypersensitivity to perturbations of quantum-chaotic wave-packet dynamics
PG Silvestrov, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review E 67 (2), 025204, 2003
Correspondence between Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in bipolar graphene
CWJ Beenakker, AR Akhmerov, P Recher, J Tworzydło
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (7), 075409, 2008
Chirality blockade of Andreev reflection in a magnetic Weyl semimetal
N Bovenzi, M Breitkreiz, P Baireuther, TE O'Brien, J Tworzydło, İ Adagideli, ...
Physical Review B 96 (3), 035437, 2017
Quantum magnetism in the stripe phase: Bond versus site order
J Tworzydło, OY Osman, CNA van Duin, J Zaanen
Physical Review B 59 (1), 115, 1999
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مقالات 1–20