Dr Theodora Fteropoulli
Dr Theodora Fteropoulli
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على city.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Handbook of health psychology
A Baum, TA Revenson, J Singer
Psychology press, 2012
Quality of life of adult congenital heart disease patients: a systematic review of the literature
T Fteropoulli, J Stygall, S Cullen, J Deanfield, SP Newman
Cardiology in the young, 1-13, 2013
Beyond the physical risk: Psychosocial impact and coping in healthcare professionals during the COVID‐19 pandemic
T Fteropoulli, TV Kalavana, A Yiallourou, M Karaiskakis, M Koliou Mazeri, ...
Journal of clinical nursing, 2021
Cognitive dysfunction in adult CHD with different structural complexity
M Tyagi, T Fteropoulli, CS Hurt, SP Hirani, L Rixon, A Davies, N Picaut, ...
Cardiology in the Young 27 (5), 851-859, 2017
Newly diagnosed heart failure: Change in quality of life, mood, and illness beliefs in the first 6 months after diagnosis
K Mulligan, PA Mehta, T Fteropoulli, SW Dubrey, HF McIntyre, ...
British journal of health psychology 17 (3), 447-462, 2012
Efficacy of interventions to increase physical activity for people with heart failure: a meta-analysis
A Amirova, T Fteropoulli, P Williams, M Haddad
Open Heart 8 (1), 2021
Framework-based qualitative analysis of free responses of Large Language Models: Algorithmic fidelity
A Amirova, T Fteropoulli, N Ahmed, MR Cowie, JZ Leibo
Plos one 19 (3), e0300024, 2024
Informing behaviour change intervention design using Bayesian meta-analysis: physical activity in heart failure
A Amirova, L Taylor, B Volkmer, N Ahmed, AM Chater, T Fteropoulli
medRxiv, 2021
Psychosocial risk factors for health-related quality of life in adult congenital heart disease
T Fteropoulli, M Tyagi, SP Hirani, F Kennedy, N Picaut, S Cullen, ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 38 (1), 70-83, 2023
Treatment in cardiovascular disease.
SP Newman, SP Hirani, J Stygall, T Fteropoulli
Psychology Press, 2012
In good heart”: a study of the factors associated with health-related quality of life in adult congenital heart disease.
T Fteropoulli
City University London, 2016
Changes in health-related quality of life following breast cancer surgery: a systematic review of the literature on the role of surgical approaches.
T Fteropoulli, E Tzounaka, A Amirova, G Nikolopoulos, A Yiallourou
European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 109467, 2024
'Psychosocial challenges in women who have undergone breast cancer surgery in Cyprus: Preliminary results from a nationwide study (BCan-Cy)'
T Fteropoulli, E Tzounaka, T Anastasiou, S Sidiropoulou, D Koufoudakis, ...
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 50 (2), 2024
Informing behaviour change intervention design using Bayesian meta-analysis.
A Amirova, L Taylor, B Volkmer, N Ahmed, AM Chater, T Fteropoulli
7th International Centre for Behaviour Change (CBC) Conference: Enabling …, 2021
Psychosocial consequences and self-regulation in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Fteropoulli, T Kalavana, A Yiallourou, M Karaiskakis, M Koliou Mazeri, ...
8th Panhellenic Meeting on Aids & Hepatitis: prevention, diagnosis …, 2020
Health-related quality of life in adult congenital heart disease: How does it differ between four diagnostic groups and what factors are associated with it?
T Fteropoulli, S Hirani, S Newman
16th annual conference of the International Society of Quality of Life …, 2018
Cognitive dysfunction in Adult Congenital Heart Disease with different structural complexity
M Tyagi, T Fteropoulli, CS Hurt, SP Hirani, L Rixon, A Davies, N Picaut, ...
Cardiology in the Young, doi 10, 2016
Health-related quality of life in adult congenital heart disease
T Fteropoulli, S Hirani, S Newman
European Congenital Heart Groups (ECHG) congress, Limassol, Cyprus, 2016
The factors associated with health-related quality of life in adult congenital heart disease
T Fteropoulli, S Hirani, S Newman
European Health Psychologist 17 (S), 878, 2015
Quality of life and cognitive functioning in Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD): Early results from a large UK study
T Fteropoulli, M Tyagi
Cardiology in the Young (CitY) conference, UCL Institute of Child Health …, 2012
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20