Alese Wooditch
Alese Wooditch
Associate Professor, Temple University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Which criminogenic need changes are most important in promoting desistance from crime and substance use?
A Wooditch, LL Tang, FS Taxman
Criminal justice and behavior 41 (3), 276-299, 2014
Do stop, question, and frisk practices deter crime? Evidence at microunits of space and time
D Weisburd, A Wooditch, S Weisburd, SM Yang
Criminology & public policy 15 (1), 31-56, 2016
Can hot spots policing reduce crime in urban areas? An agent‐based simulation
D Weisburd, AA Braga, ER Groff, A Wooditch
Criminology 55 (1), 137-173, 2017
Assessing the effects of body‐worn cameras on procedural justice in the Los Angeles Police Department
JD McCluskey, CD Uchida, SE Solomon, A Wooditch, C Connor, L Revier
Criminology 57 (2), 208-236, 2019
Testing the “law of crime concentration at place” in a suburban setting: Implications for research and practice
C Gill, A Wooditch, D Weisburd
Journal of quantitative criminology 33, 519-545, 2017
Understanding the mechanisms underlying broken windows policing: The need for evaluation evidence
D Weisburd, JC Hinkle, AA Braga, A Wooditch
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 52 (4), 589-608, 2015
The efficacy of the trafficking in persons report: A review of the evidence
A Wooditch
Criminal Justice Policy Review 22 (4), 471-493, 2011
Does collective efficacy matter at the micro geographic level?: Findings from a study of street segments
D Weisburd, C White, A Wooditch
The British journal of criminology 60 (4), 873-891, 2020
Building collective action at crime hot spots: Findings from a randomized field experiment
D Weisburd, C Gill, A Wooditch, W Barritt, J Murphy
Journal of experimental criminology 17, 161-191, 2021
Does substance misuse moderate the relationship between criminal thinking and recidivism?
MS Caudy, JB Folk, JB Stuewig, A Wooditch, A Martinez, S Maass, ...
Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (1), 12-19, 2015
Using space–time analysis to evaluate criminal justice programs: An application to stop-question-frisk practices
A Wooditch, D Weisburd
Journal of quantitative criminology 32, 191-213, 2016
Sample size, effect size, and statistical power: A replication study of Weisburd’s paradox
MS Nelson, A Wooditch, LM Dario
Journal of Experimental Criminology 11, 141-163, 2015
Perceptions of body-worn cameras: Findings from a panel survey of two LAPD divisions
A Wooditch, CD Uchida, SE Solomon, L Revier, C Connor, M Shutinya, ...
American Journal of Criminal Justice 45, 426-453, 2020
Traffick jam: A policy review of the United States’ Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
AC Wooditch, MA DuPont-Morales, D Hummer
Trends in Organized Crime 12 (3-4), 235-250, 2009
Factors associated with non‐adherence to buprenorphine‐naloxone among opioid dependent African–Americans: A retrospective chart review
S Kumari, P Manalai, S Leong, A Wooditch, M Malik, WB Lawson
The American Journal on Addictions 25 (2), 110-117, 2016
The geography of drug abuse epidemiology among probationers in Baltimore
A Wooditch, B Lawton, FS Taxman
Journal of Drug Issues 43 (2), 231-249, 2013
Advanced statistics in criminology and criminal justice
D Weisburd, DB Wilson, A Wooditch, CL Britt
Springer, 2022
Assessing the use and impact of points and rewards across four federal probation districts: A contingency management approach
L Sloas, A Murphy, A Wooditch, FS Taxman
Victims & Offenders 14 (7), 811-831, 2019
Short-term trajectories of substance use in a sample of drug-involved probationers
MS Caudy, L Tang, A Wooditch, FS Taxman
Journal of substance abuse treatment 46 (2), 202-213, 2014
Human trafficking law and social structures
A Wooditch
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 56 (5 …, 2012
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مقالات 1–20