Rebecca W. Doerge
Rebecca W. Doerge
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Empirical threshold values for quantitative trait mapping.
GA Churchill, RW Doerge
Genetics 138 (3), 963-971, 1994
Role of transposable elements in heterochromatin and epigenetic control
Z Lippman, AV Gendrel, M Black, MW Vaughn, N Dedhia, ...
Nature 430 (6998), 471-476, 2004
Permutation tests for multiple loci affecting a quantitative character
RW Doerge, GA Churchill
Genetics 142 (1), 285-294, 1996
The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits
Nature genetics 36 (11), 1133-1137, 2004
Mapping and analysis of quantitative trait loci in experimental populations
RW Doerge
Nature Reviews Genetics 3 (1), 43-52, 2002
Understanding mechanisms of novel gene expression in polyploids
TC Osborn, JC Pires, JA Birchler, DL Auger, ZJ Chen, HS Lee, L Comai, ...
Trends in genetics 19 (3), 141-147, 2003
Genomewide nonadditive gene regulation in Arabidopsis allotetraploids
J Wang, L Tian, HS Lee, NE Wei, H Jiang, B Watson, A Madlung, ...
Genetics 172 (1), 507-517, 2006
The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community's view
Complex Trait Consortium
Nature Reviews Genetics 4 (11), 911-916, 2003
Statistical design and analysis of RNA sequencing data
PL Auer, RW Doerge
Genetics 185 (2), 405-416, 2010
Epigenetic natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana
MW Vaughn, M Tanurdžić, Z Lippman, H Jiang, R Carrasquillo, ...
PLoS biology 5 (7), e174, 2007
Global eQTL mapping reveals the complex genetic architecture of transcript-level variation in Arabidopsis
MAL West, K Kim, DJ Kliebenstein, H Van Leeuwen, RW Michelmore, ...
Genetics 175 (3), 1441-1450, 2007
Genomic changes in synthetic Arabidopsis polyploids
A Madlung, AP Tyagi, B Watson, H Jiang, T Kagochi, RW Doerge, ...
The Plant Journal 41 (2), 221-230, 2005
QTL mapping in rice
SR McCough, RW Doerge
Trends in Genetics 11 (12), 482-487, 1995
The fate of duplicated genes in a polyploid plant genome
A Roulin, PL Auer, M Libault, J Schlueter, A Farmer, G May, G Stacey, ...
The Plant Journal 73 (1), 143-153, 2013
Modifying the Schwarz Bayesian information criterion to locate multiple interacting quantitative trait loci
M Bogdan, JK Ghosh, RW Doerge
Genetics 167 (2), 989-999, 2004
Epigenomic consequences of immortalized plant cell suspension culture
M Tanurdzic, MW Vaughn, H Jiang, TJ Lee, RK Slotkin, B Sosinski, ...
PLoS biology 6 (12), e302, 2008
Statistical issues in the search for genes affecting quantitative traits in experimental populations
RW Doerge, ZB Zeng, BS Weir
Statistical Science, 195-219, 1997
Reversible histone acetylation and deacetylation mediate genome-wide, promoter-dependent and locus-specific changes in gene expression during plant development
L Tian, MP Fong, JJ Wang, NE Wei, H Jiang, RW Doerge, ZJ Chen
Genetics 169 (1), 337-345, 2005
Moving AHEAD with an international human epigenome project
TE Union, N of Excellence, SA Board, ...
Nature 454 (7205), 711, 2008
High-density haplotyping with microarray-based expression and single feature polymorphism markers in Arabidopsis
MAL West, H van Leeuwen, A Kozik, DJ Kliebenstein, RW Doerge, ...
Genome research 16 (6), 787-795, 2006
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