Barbara Kieslinger
Barbara Kieslinger
Zentrum für Soziale Innovatoin
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على zsi.at
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Toward an international definition of citizen science
F Heigl, B Kieslinger, KT Paul, J Uhlik, D Dörler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (17), 8089-8092, 2019
Motivations, learning and creativity in online citizen science
C Jennett, L Kloetzer, D Schneider, I Iacovides, AL Cox, M Gold, B Fuchs, ...
Journal of Science Communication 15 (3), 2016
Contours of citizen science: a vignette study
M Haklay, D Fraisl, B Greshake Tzovaras, S Hecker, M Gold, G Hager, ...
Royal Society open science 8 (8), 202108, 2021
White Paper on Citizen Science for Europe
F Serrano Sanz, T Holocher-Ertl, B Kieslinger, SG Francisco, CG Silva
http://www.socientize.eu/sites/default/files/white-paper.pdf, 2014
Supporting emerging forms of citizen science: a plea for diversity, creativity and social innovation
T Schäfer, B Kieslinger
Journal of Science Communication 15 (2), Y02, 2016
How to use social software in higher education
K Grodecka, F Wild, B Kieslinger
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akapit, 2008
The challenge of evaluation: An open framework for evaluating citizen science activities
B Kieslinger, T Schäfer, F Heigl, D Dörler, A Richter, A Bonn
OSF, 2017
Evaluation in citizen science: The art of tracing a moving target
T Schaefer, B Kieslinger, M Brandt, V van den Bogaert, K Vohland, ...
The science of citizen science 495, 2021
Academic peer pressure in social media: Experiences from the heavy, the targeted and the restricted user
B Kieslinger
First Monday, 2015
Adapting to changing landscapes in education
S Fiedler, B Kieslinger
na, 2006
Transforming identities and co-constructing careers of career counselors
J Bimrose, A Brown, R Mulvey, B Kieslinger, CM Fabian, T Schaefer, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 111, 7-23, 2019
ECSA's characteristics of citizen science
M Haklay, A Motion, B Balázs, B Kieslinger, B Greshake Tzovaras, C Nold, ...
ECSA European Citizen Science Association, 2020
Citizen-based air quality monitoring: the impact on individual citizen scientists and how to leverage the benefits to affect whole regions
T Schaefer, B Kieslinger, CM Fabian
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 5 (1), 2020
White paper on citizen science for Europe
FS Sanz, T Holocher-Ertl, B Kieslinger, FS García, CG Silva
Online verfügbar unter http://www. ecsite. eu/sites/default/files/white …, 2014
Social software for professonal learning: examples and research issues
et al. Klamma, R., Chatti, M. A., Duval, E., Fiedler, S., Hvannberg, E. T ...
ICALT 2006, 2006
The Role of Facilitation in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Public Employment Services
C Bimrose, Jenny Brown, Alan Holocher-Ertl, Teresa Kieslinger, Barbara ...
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) 7 (3), 56-63, 2014
A conceptual modelling approach to studying the learning process with a special focus on knowledge creation
A Naeve, P Yli-Luoma, M Kravcik, M Lytras, B Simon, M Lindegren, ...
IST 507310, 2005
Covid-19 response from global makers: the Careables cases of global design and local production
B Kieslinger, T Schaefer, CM Fabian, E Biasin, E Bassi, RR Freire, ...
Frontiers in Sociology 6, 629587, 2021
A participatory design approach for the support of collaborative learning and knowledge building in networked organizations
B Kieslinger, K Pata, C Fabian
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) 2 (3), 34-38, 2009
Co-creating and implementing quality criteria for citizen science
F Heigl, B Kieslinger, KT Paul, J Uhlik, D Frigerio, D Dörler
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 5 (1), 2020
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مقالات 1–20