Alexander E. Kaplan
Alexander E. Kaplan
Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Coherent single-photon emission from colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dots
H Utzat, W Sun, AEK Kaplan, F Krieg, M Ginterseder, B Spokoyny, ...
Science 363 (6431), 1068-1072, 2019
Spatial dark-soliton stripes and grids in self-defocusing materials
GA Swartzlander Jr, DR Andersen, JJ Regan, H Yin, AE Kaplan
Physical review letters 66 (12), 1583, 1991
Optical bistability
CM Bowden, M Ciftan, HR Robl
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Theory of hysteresis reflection and refraction of light by a boundary of a nonlinear medium
AE Kaplan
Sov. Phys. JETP 45 (5), 896-905, 1977
Resonant nonlinear interactions of light with matter
VS Butylkin, AE Kaplan, YG Khronopulo, EI Yakubovich
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Subfemtosecond Pulses in mode-locked 2-pi solitons of the Cascade Stimulated Raman Scattering
AE Kaplan
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 73 (9), 1243-1246, 1994
Reflection of a Gaussian beam at a nonlinear interface
WJ Tomlinson, JP Gordon, PW Smith, AE Kaplan
Applied Optics 21 (11), 2041-2051, 1982
Bistable solitons
AE Kaplan
Physical review letters 55 (12), 1291, 1985
Diffraction-induced transformation of near-cycle and subcycle pulses
AE Kaplan
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 15 (3), 951-956, 1998
Hysteresis reflection and refraction by nonlinear boundary - a new class of effects in nonlinear optics
K A. E.
JETP Lett. 24, 114, 1976
Shock shells in coulomb explosions of nanoclusters
AE Kaplan, BY Dubetsky, PL Shkolnikov
Physical review letters 91 (14), 143401, 2003
Electromagnetic “bubbles” and shock waves: unipolar, nonoscillating EM solitons
AE Kaplan, PL Shkolnikov
Physical review letters 75 (12), 2316, 1995
Optical bistability based on self-focusing
JE Bjorkholm, PW Smith, WJ Tomlinson, AE Kaplan
Optics Letters 6 (7), 345-347, 1981
Enhancement of the Sagnac effect due to nonlinearly induced nonreciprocity
AE Kaplan, P Meystre
Optics letters 6 (12), 590-592, 1981
Lasetron: a proposed source of powerful nuclear-time-scale electromagnetic bursts
AE Kaplan, PL Shkolnikov
Physical review letters 88 (7), 074801, 2002
Direct measurement of the transverse velocity of dark spatial solitons
DR Andersen, DE Hooton, GA Swartzlander Jr, AE Kaplan
Optics letters 15 (14), 783-785, 1990
Directionally asymmetrical bistability in a symmetrically pumped nonlinear ring interferometer
AE Kaplan, P Meystre
Optics Communications 40 (3), 229-232, 1982
Hysteresis in cyclotron resonance based on weak relativistic-mass effects of the electron
AE Kaplan
Physical Review Letters 48 (3), 138, 1982
Bistable-soliton pulse propagation: Stability aspects
RH Enns, SS Rangnekar, AE Kaplan
Physical Review A 36 (3), 1270, 1987
Super-dressed two-level atom: very high order harmonic generation and multi-resonances
AE Kaplan, PL Shkolnikov
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 49 (2), 1275-1280, 1994
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