Anastasios Bardoutsos
Anastasios Bardoutsos
Post-doctoral researcher, University of Groningen
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Obesity Prevalence in the Long-Term Future in 18 European Countries and in the USA
F Janssen, A Bardoutsos, N Vidra
Obesity facts 13 (5), 514-527, 2020
Maximum human lifespan may increase to 125 years
J de Beer, A Bardoutsos, F Janssen
Nature 546, E16-E17, 2017
Bayesian Poisson log-bilinear models for mortality projections with multiple populations
K Antonio, A Bardoutsos, W Ouburg
European Actuarial Journal 5 (2), 245-281, 2015
Bayesian Poisson Log-Bilinear Models for Mortality Projections with Multiple Populations: Online Appendix
K Antonio, A Bardoutsos, W Ouburg
Available at SSRN 2619063, 2015
Smoking epidemic in Europe in the 21st century
F Janssen, S El Gewily, A Bardoutsos
Tobacco Control 30 (5), 523-529, 2021
Future life expectancy in Europe taking into account the impact of smoking, obesity and alcohol
F Janssen, A Bardoutsos, S El Gewily, J de Beer
SocArXiv, 2021
Bias reduced tail estimation for censored Pareto type distributions
J Beirlant, A Bardoutsos, T de Wet, I Gijbels
Statistics & Probability Letters 109, 78-88, 2016
Characterization of tails through hazard rate and convolution closure properties
AG Bardoutsos, DG Konstantinides
Journal of Applied Probability 48 (A), 123-132, 2011
Past and future alcohol-attributable mortality in Europe
F Janssen, S El Gewily, A Bardoutsos, S Trias-Llimós
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (23), 9024, 2020
Projecting delay and compression of mortality
A Bardoutsos, J de Beer, F Janssen
Genus 74 (1), 1-28, 2018
Future alcohol-attributable mortality in France using a novel generalizable age-period-cohort projection methodology
S Trias-Llimós, A Bardoutsos, F Janssen
Alcohol and Alcoholism 56 (3), 325-333, 2021
Econometric models for insurance applications: essays on Bayesian mortality models, heavy tails and extreme value statistics with censored data
A Bardoutsos
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مقالات 1–12