Eileen Rees
Eileen Rees
Research Fellow, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Results from the international waterbird census in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia 1995 and 1996
S Delany
Wetlands International Publication (Netherlands), 1999
Flying with the wind: scale dependency of speed and direction measurements in modelling wind support in avian flight
K Safi, B Kranstauber, R Weinzierl, L Griffin, EC Rees, D Cabot, S Cruz, ...
Movement Ecology 1, 1-13, 2013
Factors affecting the behavioural responses of whooper swans (Cygnus c. cygnus) to various human activities
EC Rees, JH Bruce, GT White
Biological conservation 121 (3), 369-382, 2005
The onset of spring and timing of migration in two arctic nesting goose populations: the pink‐footed goose Anser bachyrhynchus and the barnacle goose Branta leucopsis
IM Tombre, KA Høgda, J Madsen, LR Griffin, E Kuijken, P Shimmings, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 39 (6), 691-703, 2008
Bewick's swan
EC Rees
A&C Black, 2006
Mate fidelity in swans: an interspecific comparison
EC Rees, P Lievesley, RA Pettifor, C Perrins
Partnerships in birds, 118-137, 1996
Causes of mortality among wild swans in Britain
MJ Brown, E Linton, EC Rees
Wildfowl 43 (43), 70-79, 1992
Habitat and resource use by waterfowl in the northern hemisphere in autumn and winter
JB Davis, M Guillemain, RM Kaminski, C Arzel, JM Eadie, EC Rees
Wildfowl, 17–69, 2014
Site selection by swans wintering in Britain and Ireland; the importance of habitat and geographic location
EC Rees, JS Kirby, A Gilburn
Ibis 139 (2), 337-352, 1997
The structure and behaviour of the Whooper Swan population wintering at Caerlaverock, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland: an introductory study
JM Black, EC Rees
Wildfowl 35 (35), 21-36, 1984
Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments
MA Tucker, O Alexandrou, RO Bierregaard Jr, KL Bildstein, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (5), 576-587, 2019
Northwest European Bewick's Swans: a population in decline
EC Rees, JH Beekman
British Birds 103 (11), 640, 2010
Impacts of wind farms on swans and geese: a review
EC Rees
Wildfowl 62 (62), 37-72, 2012
Conservation status of the world’s swan populations, Cygnus sp. and Coscoroba sp.: a review of current trends and gaps in knowledge
EC Rees, L Cao, P Clausen, J Coleman, J Cornely, O Einarsson, CR Ely, ...
Wildfowl 2019 (Special Issue No. 5), 35-72, 2019
Long-term population trends and shifts in distribution of Bewick's swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii wintering in northwest Europe
J Beekman, K Koffijberg, J Wahl, C Kowallik, C Hall, K Devos, P Clausen, ...
Wildfowl, 73-102, 2020
Concurrent shifts in wintering distribution and phenology in migratory swans: Individual and generational effects
RJM Nuijten, KA Wood, T Haitjema, EC Rees, BA Nolet
Global Change Biology 26 (8), 4263-4275, 2020
Widespread exposure to lead affects the body condition of free-living whooper swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain
JL Newth, EC Rees, RL Cromie, RA McDonald, S Bearhop, DJ Pain, ...
Environmental pollution 209, 60-67, 2016
Consistency in the timing of migration for individual Bewick's swans
EC Rees
Animal Behaviour 38 (3), 384-393, 1989
Regulation of lead fishing weights results in mute swan population recovery
KA Wood, MJ Brown, RL Cromie, GM Hilton, C Mackenzie, JL Newth, ...
Biological Conservation 230, 67-74, 2019
Trophic interactions and abiotic factors drive functional and phylogenetic structure of vertebrate herbivore communities across the Arctic tundra biome
JDM Speed, IÅ Skjelbred, IC Barrio, MD Martin, D Berteaux, CG Bueno, ...
Ecography 42 (6), 1152-1163, 2019
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مقالات 1–20