M.A. Masen
M.A. Masen
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Contact modelling of human skin: What value to use for the modulus of elasticity?
J Van Kuilenburg, MA Masen, E Van Der Heide
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2013
A review of fingerpad contact mechanics and friction and how this affects tactile perception
J van Kuilenburg, MA Masen, E van der Heide
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2015
Investigating the influence of sand particle properties on abrasive wear behaviour
M Woldman, E van der Heide, DJ Schipper, T Tinga, MA Masen
Wear 294, 419-426, 2012
A systems based experimental approach to tactile friction
MA Masen
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 4 (8), 1620-1626, 2011
An experimental study on the relation between surface texture and tactile friction
J van Kuilenburg, MA Masen, MNW Groenendijk, V Bana, ...
Tribology international 48, 15-21, 2012
Micro-contact based modelling of abrasive wear
MA Masen, MB de Rooij, DJ Schipper
Wear 258 (1-4), 339-348, 2005
A finite element approach to modeling abrasive wear modes
M Woldman, E Van Der Heide, T Tinga, MA Masen
Tribology transactions 60 (4), 711-718, 2017
Morphology and composition play distinct and complementary roles in the tolerance of plantar skin to mechanical load
CJ Boyle, M Plotczyk, SF Villalta, S Patel, S Hettiaratchy, SD Masouros, ...
Science advances 5 (10), eaay0244, 2019
The role of the skin microrelief in the contact behaviour of human skin: Contact between the human finger and regular surface textures
J van Kuilenburg, MA Masen, E van der Heide
Tribology International 65, 81-90, 2013
Skin tribology: Science friction?
E Van Der Heide, X Zeng, MA Masen
Friction 1, 130-142, 2013
The influence of abrasive body dimensions on single asperity wear
M Woldman, E Van Der Heide, T Tinga, MA Masen
Wear 301 (1-2), 76-81, 2013
Effects of surface micro-geometry on the lift-off speed of an EHL contact
MA Masen, CH Venner, PM Lugt, JH Tripp
Tribology Transactions 45 (1), 21-30, 2002
Biotribology of the ageing skin—Why we should care
G Limbert, MA Masen, D Pond, HK Graham, MJ Sherratt, R Jobanputra, ...
Biotribology 17, 75-90, 2019
Influence of the relative humidity and the temperature on the in-vivo friction behaviour of human skin
M Klaassen, DJ Schipper, MA Masen
Biotribology 6, 21-28, 2016
Relating friction on the human skin to the hydration and temperature of the skin
NK Veijgen, MA Masen, E Van Der Heide
Tribology Letters 49, 251-262, 2013
Variables influencing the frictional behaviour of in vivo human skin
NK Veijgen, MA Masen, E van der Heide
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 28, 448-461, 2013
Effect of temperature on tribological performance of polyetheretherketone-polybenzimidazole blend
A Jean-Fulcrand, MA Masen, T Bremner, JSS Wong
Tribology International 129, 5-15, 2019
Development of an interactive friction model for the prediction of lubricant breakdown behaviour during sliding wear
L Wang, DJ Politis, MA Masen
Tribology International 110, 370-377, 2016
A multivariable model for predicting the frictional behaviour and hydration of the human skin
NK Veijgen, E van der Heide, MA Masen
Skin research and technology 19 (3), 330-338, 2013
A novel approach to measuring the frictional behaviour of human skin in vivo
NK Veijgen, MA Masen, E van der Heide
Tribology International 54, 38-41, 2012
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مقالات 1–20