Il Yong Kim
Il Yong Kim
Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen's University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Adaptive weighted-sum method for bi-objective optimization: Pareto front generation
IY Kim, OL De Weck
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization 29, 149-158, 2005
Adaptive weighted sum method for multiobjective optimization: a new method for Pareto front generation
IY Kim, OL de Weck
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization 31 (2), 105-116, 2006
Design optimization of electric vehicle battery cooling plates for thermal performance
A Jarrett, IY Kim
Journal of Power Sources 196 (23), 10359-10368, 2011
Remaining useful life estimation using a bidirectional recurrent neural network based autoencoder scheme
W Yu, IIY Kim, C Mechefske
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 764-780, 2019
An improved similarity-based prognostic algorithm for RUL estimation using an RNN autoencoder scheme
W Yu, IIY Kim, C Mechefske
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 199, 106926, 2020
Influence of operating conditions on the optimum design of electric vehicle battery cooling plates
A Jarrett, IY Kim
Journal of Power sources 245, 644-655, 2014
Computational study of Wolff's law with trabecular architecture in the human proximal femur using topology optimization
IG Jang, IY Kim
Journal of biomechanics 41 (11), 2353-2361, 2008
Three-dimensional micro-level computational study of Wolff's law via trabecular bone remodeling in the human proximal femur using design space topology optimization
C Boyle, IY Kim
Journal of biomechanics 44 (5), 935-942, 2011
Multi-lattice inner structures for high-strength and light-weight in metal selective laser melting process
D Kang, S Park, Y Son, S Yeon, SH Kim, I Kim
Materials & Design 175, 107786, 2019
Variable chromosome length genetic algorithm for progressive refinement in topology optimization
IY Kim, OL De Weck
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 29, 445-456, 2005
Conceptual and detailed design of an automotive engine cradle by using topology, shape, and size optimization
C Li, IY Kim, J Jeswiet
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51, 547-564, 2015
Analysis of different RNN autoencoder variants for time series classification and machine prognostics
W Yu, IY Kim, C Mechefske
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107322, 2021
Comparison of different hip prosthesis shapes considering micro-level bone remodeling and stress-shielding criteria using three-dimensional design space topology optimization
C Boyle, IY Kim
Journal of biomechanics 44 (9), 1722-1728, 2011
Multi-material topology optimization for practical lightweight design
D Li, IY Kim
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 58 (3), 1081-1094, 2018
Hybrid data-driven physics-based model fusion framework for tool wear prediction
H Hanachi, W Yu, IY Kim, J Liu, CK Mechefske
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101, 2861-2872, 2019
Design space optimization using a numerical design continuation method
IY Kim, BM Kwak
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 53 (8), 1979-2002, 2002
Optimal damping layout in a shell structure using topology optimization
SY Kim, CK Mechefske, IY Kim
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (12), 2873-2883, 2013
Computational simulation of simultaneous cortical and trabecular bone change in human proximal femur during bone remodeling
IG Jang, IY Kim
Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2), 294-301, 2010
Multi-material topology optimization for automotive design problems
C Li, IY Kim
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2018
Flexible platform component design under uncertainty
ES Suh, O De Weck, IY Kim, D Chang
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 18, 115-126, 2007
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مقالات 1–20