Ursula Dalrymple
Ursula Dalrymple
UK Civil Service
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The effect of malaria control on Plasmodium falciparum in Africa between 2000 and 2015
S Bhatt, DJ Weiss, E Cameron, D Bisanzio, B Mappin, U Dalrymple, ...
Nature 526 (7572), 207-211, 2015
A global map of travel time to cities to assess inequalities in accessibility in 2015
DJ Weiss, A Nelson, HS Gibson, W Temperley, S Peedell, A Lieber, ...
Nature 553 (7688), 333-336, 2018
Mapping the global prevalence, incidence, and mortality of Plasmodium falciparum, 2000–17: a spatial and temporal modelling study
DJ Weiss, TCD Lucas, M Nguyen, AK Nandi, D Bisanzio, KE Battle, ...
The Lancet 394 (10195), 322-331, 2019
Mapping the global endemicity and clinical burden of Plasmodium vivax, 2000–17: a spatial and temporal modelling study
KE Battle, TCD Lucas, M Nguyen, RE Howes, AK Nandi, KA Twohig, ...
The Lancet 394 (10195), 332-343, 2019
Mapping Plasmodium falciparum Mortality in Africa between 1990 and 2015
PW Gething, DC Casey, DJ Weiss, D Bisanzio, S Bhatt, E Cameron, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 375 (25), 2435-2445, 2016
How long do rapid diagnostic tests remain positive after anti-malarial treatment?
U Dalrymple, R Arambepola, PW Gething, E Cameron
Malaria journal 17, 1-13, 2018
Coverage and system efficiencies of insecticide-treated nets in Africa from 2000 to 2017
S Bhatt, DJ Weiss, B Mappin, U Dalrymple, E Cameron, D Bisanzio, ...
Elife 4, e09672, 2015
Re-examining environmental correlates of Plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity: a data-intensive variable selection approach
DJ Weiss, B Mappin, U Dalrymple, S Bhatt, E Cameron, SI Hay, ...
Malaria journal 14, 1-18, 2015
Defining the relationship between infection prevalence and clinical incidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
E Cameron, KE Battle, S Bhatt, DJ Weiss, D Bisanzio, B Mappin, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8170, 2015
malariaAtlas: an R interface to global malariometric data hosted by the Malaria Atlas Project
DA Pfeffer, TCD Lucas, D May, J Harris, J Rozier, KA Twohig, ...
Malaria journal 17, 1-10, 2018
Malaria mapping: understanding the global endemicity of falciparum and vivax malaria
U Dalrymple, B Mappin, PW Gething
BMC medicine 13, 1-8, 2015
Treatment-seeking rates in malaria endemic countries
KE Battle, D Bisanzio, HS Gibson, S Bhatt, E Cameron, DJ Weiss, ...
Malaria journal 15, 1-11, 2016
Quantifying the contribution of Plasmodium falciparum malaria to febrile illness amongst African children
U Dalrymple, E Cameron, S Bhatt, DJ Weiss, S Gupta, PW Gething
Elife 6, e29198, 2017
Modeling the factors that influence exposure to SARS‐CoV‐2 on a subway train carriage
D Miller, MF King, J Nally, JR Drodge, GI Reeves, AM Bate, H Cooper, ...
Indoor Air 32 (2), e12976, 2022
The contribution of non-malarial febrile illness co-infections to Plasmodium falciparum case counts in health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa
U Dalrymple, E Cameron, R Arambepola, KE Battle, EG Chestnutt, ...
Malaria journal 18, 1-12, 2019
Standardizing Plasmodium falciparum infection prevalence measured via microscopy versus rapid diagnostic test
B Mappin, E Cameron, U Dalrymple, DJ Weiss, D Bisanzio, S Bhatt, ...
Malaria journal 14, 1-10, 2015
Quantifying the incidence of severe-febrile-illness hospital admissions in sub-Saharan Africa
P Roddy, U Dalrymple, TO Jensen, S Dittrich, VB Rao, DA Pfeffer, ...
PLoS One 14 (7), e0220371, 2019
Uncertainty quantification for epidemiological forecasts of COVID-19 through combinations of model predictions
DS Silk, VE Bowman, D Semochkina, U Dalrymple, DC Woods
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31 (9), 1778-1789, 2022
Characteristics and mortality rates among patients requiring intermediate care: a national cohort study using linked databases
CJ Evans, L Potts, U Dalrymple, A Pring, J Verne, IJ Higginson, W Gao, ...
BMC medicine 19, 1-13, 2021
The effect of malaria control on
S Bhatt, DJ Weiss, E Cameron, D Bisanzio, B Mappin, U Dalrymple, ...
Plasmodium falciparum in Africa between 2000 and 2015. Nature 526, 207-211, 2015
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مقالات 1–20