Sophie Plassin
Sophie Plassin
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Multi-level governance of land use changes in the Brazilian Amazon: Lessons from Paragominas, State of Pará
MG Piketty, R Poccard-Chapuis, I Drigo, E Coudel, S Plassin, F Laurent, ...
Forests 6 (5), 1516-1536, 2015
The environmental flows implementation challenge: Insights and recommendations across water‐limited systems
SM Wineland, H Bașağaoğlu, J Fleming, J Friedman, L Garza‐Diaz, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 9 (1), e1565, 2022
A socio-environmental geodatabase for integrative research in the transboundary Rio Grande/Río Bravo basin
S Plassin, J Koch, S Paladino, JR Friedman, K Spencer, KB Vaché
Scientific Data 7 (1), 1-14, 2020
Environmental flows in the Rio Grande-Rio Bravo basin
S Sandoval-Solis, S Paladino, LE Garza-Diaz, LF Nava, JR Friedman, ...
Ecology and Society 27 (1), e20, 2022
Conceptual modeling for improved understanding of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo socio-environmental system
J Koch, JR Friedman, S Paladino, S Plassin, K Spencer
Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling 1, 2019
Soil texture derived from topography in North-eastern Amazonia
F Laurent, R Poccard-Chapuis, S Plassin, G Pimentel Martinez
Journal of Maps 13 (2), 109-115, 2017
‪ Amazonie, la forêt qui cache la prairie‪‏
R Poccard, AB Burlamaqui, S Carvalho, L Navegantes, L Ferreira, V Vazfr, ...
Techniques & culture, 146-161, 2015
Multi-scale fallow land dynamics in a water-scarce basin of the US Southwest
S Plassin, J Koch, M Wilson, K Neal, JR Friedman, S Paladino, J Worden
Journal of Land Use Science 16 (3), 291-312, 2021
Paysage et intensification de l’élevage en Amazonie brésilienne: De nouvelles dynamiques spatio-temporelles à l’échelle des exploitations agricoles
SS Plassin, R Poccard-Chapuis, F Laurent, MG Piketty, GP Martinez, ...
Confins. Revue franco-brésilienne de géographie/Revista franco-brasilera de …, 2017
Translating stakeholder narratives for participatory modeling in landscape ecology
J Vukomanovic, LS Smart, J Koch, VH Dale, S Plassin, KB Byrd, C Beier, ...
Landscape Ecology, 1-22, 2023
Élever des bovins dans des paysages éco-efficients. Comprendre et modéliser le processus d’intensification dans les fermes d’élevage d’Amazonie orientale brésilienne
S Plassin
Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2018
Mapping land suitability to guide landscape restoration in the Amazon
R Poccard-Chapuis, S Plassin, R Osis, D Pinillos, GM Pimentel, ...
Land 10 (4), 368, 2021
Drought sensitivity of pastures related to soil and landform in the eastern Amazon
F Laurent, R Poccard-Chapuis, S Plassin, MG Piketty, AF Hasan, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 15 (2), 024514, 2021
Linking landscape patterns and farm trajectories: a prerequisite to design eco-efficient landscapes in agricultural frontiers of Brazilian Eastern Amazon
S Plassin, R Poccard-Chapuis, JF Tourrand
European Society of Agronomy, 2015
Advances in integrating different models assessing the impact of climate change on agriculture.
JE Bergez, J Constantin, P Debaeke, H Raynal, S Plassin, M Willaume, ...
Agricultural changes in the western Amazon and the emergence of ecological intensification: can a green economy rise from the ashes of the rainforest?
R Poccard-Chapuis, S Carvalho, A Burlamaqui, L Navegantes, S Plassin, ...
FOURRAGES, 125-133, 2015
La recherche d’efficience pour accompagner la transition agroécologique des systèmes d’élevage
F Stark, P Salgado, S Alvarez, C Aubron, I Bénagabou, M Blanchard, ...
Élevages au pâturage et développement durable des territoires méditerranéens …, 2022
Landsharing for climat smart lanscapes in dry and humid tropical livestock areas
V Blanfort, J Vayssières, MH Assouma, S Plassin, R Poccard-Chapuis
Landscape restauration in the Amazon: land suitability and jurisdictional governance to achieve ecologic and economics goals.[ID843]
R Poccard-Chapuis, S Plassin, J Peçanha, F Laurent, MG Piketty, ...
Global Land Programme, 2019
Ecosystems, ecosystem services, and transaction costs: Implications for studying, modeling, and managing for novel socio-ecological systems
JR Friedman, J Koch, S Paladino, T VanWinkle, S Plassin
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
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مقالات 1–20