Jozef Petrik
Jozef Petrik
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Influence of the Load on the Hardness
J Petrík, P Palfy
Metrology and measurement systems 18 (2), 223-234, 2011
Quality management system in education: Application of quality management models in educational organization—case study from the Slovak Republic
L Girmanová, M Šolc, P Blaško, J Petrík
Standards 2 (4), 460-473, 2022
Application of FTA Analysis for Calculation of the Probability of the Failure of the Pressure Leaching Process
S Markulik, M Šolc, J Petrík, M Balážiková, P Blaško, J Kliment, M Bezák
Applied Sciences 11 (15), 6731, 2021
On the load dependence of micro-hardness measurements: analysis of data by different models and evaluation of measurement errors
J Petrík
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 61 (4), 1819-1824, 2016
The iron correctors in Al-Si alloys
J Petrik, M Horvath
Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 9 (3), 401, 2011
The indentation size effect (ISE) of metals
J Petrík, P Blaško, Š Markulík, M Šolc, P Palfy
Crystals 12 (6), 795, 2022
Comparison of cupola furnace and blast furnace slags with respect to possibilities of their utilization
A Pribulova, P Futáš, J Petrík, M Pokusová, M Brzeziński, J Jakubski
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 63, 2018
The micro-hardness of heat treated carbon steel
J Petrik
Materials Science 20 (1), 21-24, 2014
Nástroje a metódy manažérstva kvality
L GIRMANOVÁ, V Mikloš, P Palfy, J Petrík, A Sütőová, M Šolc
Košice: TU Elfa, 2009
The study of synthetic cast iron quality made from steel scrap
P Futas, A Pribulova, J Petrik, M Pokusova, A Junakova
Proceedings of the 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific …, 2018
The application of Ni for improvement of Al-Si-Fe alloys
J Petrík
Materials Engineering 16 (4), 29-32, 2009
The relationship between the deformation and the indentation size effect (ISE)
J Petrík, P Blaško, M Mihaliková, A Vasilňáková, V Mikloš
Metallurgical Research & Technology 116 (6), 622, 2019
The automatic testers in microhardness measurement and ISE effect
J Petrík, P Blaško, J Bidulská, A Guzanová, I Sinaiová
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 22 (3), 195-205, 2016
Analysis of Fault Conditions in the Production of Prestressed Concrete Sleepers
Š Markulik, J Petrík, M Šolc, P Blaško, P Palfy, A Sütőová, L Girmanová
Applied Sciences 12 (2), 928, 2022
The capability of the viscosity measurement process
V Špeťuch, J Petrík, E Grambálová, D Medveď, P Palfy
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 21 (1), 53-60, 2015
The influence of the load on the quality of microhardness measurement
J Petrík
Acta Metall. Slovaca 17, 207-216, 2011
Fluidity test of Al-Si alloy using by computer simulation
P Futáš, J Petrík, A Pribulová, M Bartošová
Key Engineering Materials 635, 45-50, 2015
Principles Concepts Standards of Management Systems: Quality, Metrology, Information Security
K Zgodavova, J Petrik, M Solc
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014
The dependence of brass hardness measurement system on time
J Petrik, V Špetuch
Metrology and measurement systems 14 (4), 595-602, 2007
Variability of indentation size effect (ISE) of standard reference block
J Petrík, P Palfy
Mapan 29, 43-50, 2014
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مقالات 1–20