Simon Wenig
Simon Wenig
Senior Power System Consultant and Managing Director
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
On Full-Bridge Bipolar MMC-HVdc Control and Protection for Transient Fault and Interaction Studies
S Wenig, M Goertz, C Hirsching, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (6), 2864-2873, 2018
Simulation Framework for DC Grid Control and ACDC Interaction Studies Based on Modular Multilevel Converters
S Wenig, F Rojas, K Schonleber, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (2), 780-788, 2016
Analysis of Cable Overvoltages in Symmetrical Monopolar and Rigid Bipolar HVDC Configuration
M Goertz, S Wenig, S Beckler, C Hirsching, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 35 (4), 2097-2107, 2019
Analysis of extruded HVDC cable systems exposed to lightning strokes
M Goertz, S Wenig, C Hirsching, M Kahl, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (6), 3009-3018, 2018
Potential of bipolar full-bridge MMC-HVDC transmission for link and overlay grid applications
S Wenig
Dissertation, Karlsruhe, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2019, 2019
Transient voltage stresses in MMC–HVDC links–impulse analysis and novel proposals for synthetic laboratory generation
C Freye, S Wenig, M Goertz, T Leibfried, F Jenau
High voltage 3 (2), 115-125, 2018
On Fault-Ride-Through Performance in MMC-HVDC Applications Controlled as a Virtual Synchronous Machine
C Hirsching, M Goertz, S Wenig, A Bisseling, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 37 (4), 2803-2812, 2022
Overvoltage characteristics in symmetrical monopolar HB MMC-HVDC configuration comprising long cable systems
M Goertz, S Wenig, S Beckler, C Hirsching, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
Electric Power Systems Research 189, 106603, 2020
Surge and extended overvoltage testing of HVDC cable systems
M Saltzer, M Nguyen-Tuan, A Crippa, S Wenig, M Goertz, H Saad
International Symposium on HVDC Cable Systems-Jicable-HVDC 17, 2017
Active DC fault management of a bipolar full-bridge MMC-HVDC scheme with metallic return
S Wenig, M Goertz, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2016
Effects of DC fault clearance methods on transients in a full-bridge monopolar MMC-HVDC link
S Wenig, M Goertz, J Prieto, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
2016 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT-Asia), 850-855, 2016
Advanced de-noising of power cable Partial Discharge signals by Empirical Mode Decomposition
C Herold, S Wenig, T Leibfried
2010 20th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1-5, 2010
Passivity-Based Sensitivity Analysis of the Inner Current Controller in Grid-Following MMC-HVdc Applications-An Overview
C Hirsching, S Wenig, S Beckler, M Goertz, P Praeger, M Suriyah, ...
IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics …, 2020
Analysis of Overvoltage Levels in the Rigid Bipolar MMC-HVDC Configuration
M Goertz, C Hirsching, S Wenig, KM Schäfer, S Beckler, J Reisbeck, ...
IET Digital Library, 2019
Multi-terminal HVDC control strategies applied to the Cigré B4 DC Grid Test System
S Wenig, Y Rink, T Leibfried
2014 49th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2014
On control and balancing of MMC-HVdc links in rigid bipolar configuration
C Hirsching, M Goertz, S Wenig, S Beckler, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
15th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2019 …, 2019
Lightning overvoltages in a HVDC transmission system comprising mixed overhead-cable lines
M Goertz, S Wenig, S Gorges, M Kahl, S Beckler, J Christian, M Suriyah, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Power System Transients …, 2017
Overvoltages experienced by DC cables within an HVDC transmission system in a rigid bipolar configuration
M Saltzer, M Goertz, S Wenig, H Saad, W Leterme, JI Juvik, RD Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Insulated Power Cables …, 2019
Utilization of MMC-HVDC for Primary and Secondary Control in Hybrid ACDC Power Systems
Y Rink, L Held, S Wenig, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2018
Determination of Transient Overvoltages in a Bipolar MMC-HVDC Link with Metallic Return
M Goertz, S Wenig, M Suriyah, T Leibfried
2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-7, 2018
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مقالات 1–20