Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif Gondal
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif Gondal
Professor of Mathematics, Dhofar University, Oman
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على du.edu.om
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A novel technique for the construction of strong S-boxes based on chaotic Lorenz systems
M Khan, T Shah, H Mahmood, MA Gondal, I Hussain
Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI10.1007/s11071-012-062, 2012
A projective general linear group based algorithm for the construction of substitution box for block ciphers
I Hussain, T Shah, H Mahmood, MA Gondal
Neural Computing and Applications 22, 1085-1093, 2013
A new comparative study between homotopy analysis transform method and homotopy perturbation transform method on a semi infinite domain
M Khan, MA Gondal, I Hussain, SK Vanani
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (3-4), 1143-1150, 2012
A group theoretic approach to construct cryptographically strong substitution boxes
I Hussain, T Shah, MA Gondal, WA Khan, H Mahmood
Neural Computing and Applications 23, 97-104, 2013
An efficient method for the construction of block cipher with multi-chaotic systems
M Khan, T Shah, H Mahmood, MA Gondal
Nonlinear Dynamics 71, 489-492, 2013
A novel approach for designing substitution-boxes based on nonlinear chaotic algorithm
I Hussain, T Shah, MA Gondal
Nonlinear Dynamics 70, 1791-1794, 2012
An efficient approach for the construction of LFT S-boxes using chaotic logistic map
I Hussain, T Shah, MA Gondal, H Mahmood
Nonlinear Dynamics 71, 133-140, 2013
An efficient technique for the construction of substitution box with chaotic partial differential equation
M Khan, T Shah, MA Gondal
Nonlinear Dynamics 73, 1795-1801, 2013
Statistical analysis of S-box in image encryption applications based on majority logic criterion
T Shah, I Hussain, MA Gondal, H Mahmood
Int. J. Phys. Sci 6 (16), 4110-4127, 2011
Application of S-box and chaotic map for image encryption
I Hussain, T Shah, MA Gondal
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (9-10), 2575-2579, 2013
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) as a rapid tool for material analysis
T Hussain, MA Gondal
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 439 (1), 012050, 2013
Construction of S8 Liu J S-boxes and their applications
I Hussain, T Shah, H Mahmood, MA Gondal
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 64 (8), 2450-2458, 2012
An extended image encryption using chaotic coupled map and S-box transformation
I Hussain, MA Gondal
Nonlinear Dynamics 76, 1355-1363, 2014
Image encryption algorithm based on PGL(2,GF(28)) S-boxes and TD-ERCS chaotic sequence
I Hussain, T Shah, MA Gondal
Nonlinear Dynamics 70, 181-187, 2012
Some analysis of S-box based on residue of prime number
I Hussain, T Shah, H Mahmood, MA Gondal, UY Bhatti
Proc Pak Acad Sci 48 (2), 111-115, 2011
Electro-osmotically driven generalized Newtonian blood flow in a divergent micro-channel
Z Asghar, M Waqas, MA Gondal, WA Khan
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61, 4519-4528, 2022
Construction of cryptographically strong 8× 8 S-boxes
I Hussain, T Shah, MA Gondal, WA Khan
World Applied Sciences Journal 13 (11), 2389-2395, 2011
A new analytical solution procedure for nonlinear integral equations
M Khan, MA Gondal, S Kumar
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (7-8), 1892-1897, 2012
Homotopy perturbation method for nonlinear exponential boundary layer equation using Laplace transformation, He’s polynomials and Pade technology
MA Gondal, M Khan
International journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations 11 (12 …, 2010
Generalized majority logic criterion to analyze the statistical strength of S-boxes
MA Gondal, T Shah, I Hussain, H Mehmood
Z. Naturforsch. A 67, 282-288, 2012
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مقالات 1–20