مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Vladimir Litvakمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 1
Nonlinear coupling between occipital and motor cortex during motor imagery: a dynamic causal modeling study
BCM van Wijk, V Litvak, KJ Friston, A Daffertshofer
Neuroimage 71, 104-113, 2013
التفويضات: Wellcome Trust
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 98
Preserved feedforward but impaired top-down processes in the vegetative state
M Boly, MI Garrido, O Gosseries, MA Bruno, P Boveroux, C Schnakers, ...
Science 332 (6031), 858-862, 2011
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Health and Medical …
Bayesian model reduction and empirical Bayes for group (DCM) studies
KJ Friston, V Litvak, A Oswal, A Razi, KE Stephan, BCM Van Wijk, ...
Neuroimage 128, 413-431, 2016
التفويضات: National Institute for Health Research, UK, Wellcome Trust
Resting oscillatory cortico-subthalamic connectivity in patients with Parkinson’s disease
V Litvak, A Jha, A Eusebio, R Oostenveld, T Foltynie, P Limousin, L Zrinzo, ...
Brain 134 (2), 359-374, 2011
التفويضات: Parkinson's UK
A guide to group effective connectivity analysis, part 2: Second level analysis with PEB
P Zeidman, A Jafarian, ML Seghier, V Litvak, H Cagnan, CJ Price, ...
Neuroimage 200, 12-25, 2019
التفويضات: UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust
Deep brain stimulation modulates synchrony within spatially and spectrally distinct resting state networks in Parkinson’s disease
A Oswal, M Beudel, L Zrinzo, P Limousin, M Hariz, T Foltynie, V Litvak, ...
Brain 139 (5), 1482-1496, 2016
التفويضات: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK …
Synchronized neural oscillations and the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease
A Oswal, P Brown, V Litvak
Current opinion in neurology 26 (6), 662-670, 2013
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust
Movement-related changes in local and long-range synchronization in Parkinson's disease revealed by simultaneous magnetoencephalography and intracranial recordings
V Litvak, A Eusebio, A Jha, R Oostenveld, G Barnes, T Foltynie, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (31), 10541-10553, 2012
التفويضات: Parkinson's UK
LFP and oscillations—what do they tell us?
KJ Friston, AM Bastos, D Pinotsis, V Litvak
Current opinion in neurobiology 31, 1-6, 2015
التفويضات: National Institute for Health Research, UK, Wellcome Trust
Alterations in brain connectivity underlying beta oscillations in Parkinsonism
RJ Moran, N Mallet, V Litvak, RJ Dolan, PJ Magill, KJ Friston, P Brown
PLoS computational biology 7 (8), e1002124, 2011
التفويضات: Parkinson's UK
Subthalamic nucleus phase–amplitude coupling correlates with motor impairment in Parkinson’s disease
BCM van Wijk, M Beudel, A Jha, A Oswal, T Foltynie, MI Hariz, P Limousin, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (4), 2010-2019, 2016
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Medical Research …
Cortico-pallidal oscillatory connectivity in patients with dystonia
WJ Neumann, A Jha, A Bock, J Huebl, A Horn, GH Schneider, TH Sander, ...
Brain 138 (7), 1894-1906, 2015
التفويضات: German Research Foundation, Parkinson's UK, Wellcome Trust
Movement-related theta rhythm in humans: coordinating self-directed hippocampal learning
R Kaplan, CF Doeller, GR Barnes, V Litvak, E Düzel, PA Bandettini, ...
PLoS biology 10 (2), e1001267, 2012
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
A DCM study of spectral asymmetries in feedforward and feedback connections between visual areas V1 and V4 in the monkey
AM Bastos, V Litvak, R Moran, CA Bosman, P Fries, KJ Friston
Neuroimage 108, 460-475, 2015
التفويضات: Wellcome Trust
Separating neural oscillations from aperiodic 1/f activity: challenges and recommendations
M Gerster, G Waterstraat, V Litvak, K Lehnertz, A Schnitzler, E Florin, ...
Neuroinformatics 20 (4), 991-1012, 2022
التفويضات: German Research Foundation, Wellcome Trust
MEG-BIDS, the brain imaging data structure extended to magnetoencephalography
G Niso, KJ Gorgolewski, E Bock, TL Brooks, G Flandin, A Gramfort, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-5, 2018
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Algorithmic procedures for Bayesian MEG/EEG source reconstruction in SPM
JD López, V Litvak, JJ Espinosa, K Friston, GR Barnes
NeuroImage 84, 476-487, 2014
التفويضات: Wellcome Trust
Empirical Bayes for DCM: a group inversion scheme
K Friston, P Zeidman, V Litvak
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 9, 164, 2015
التفويضات: Wellcome Trust
Granger causality revisited
KJ Friston, AM Bastos, A Oswal, B Van Wijk, C Richter, V Litvak
Neuroimage 101, 796-808, 2014
التفويضات: Wellcome Trust
Sensory processing and the rubber hand illusion—an evoked potentials study
D Zeller, V Litvak, KJ Friston, J Classen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (3), 573-582, 2015
التفويضات: Wellcome Trust
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