Agueda Castagna de Vargas
Agueda Castagna de Vargas
Professor de Medicina Veterinária da Universida de Federal de Santa Maria
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Atividade antimicrobiana “in vitro” de extrato alcóolico de própolis
AC Vargas, AP Loguercio, NM Witt, MM Costa, MS Silva, LR Viana
Ciência Rural 34, 159-163, 2004
Atividade antibacteriana de extrato hidro-alcoólico de folhas de jambolão (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skells)
AP Loguercio, A Battistin, AC Vargas, A Henzel, NM Witt
Ciência rural 35, 371-376, 2005
Effects of Hg(II) Exposure on MAPK Phosphorylation and Antioxidant System in D. melanogaster
MT Paula, AP Zemolin, AP Vargas, RM Golombieski, ELS Loreto, ...
Environmental Toxicology 29 (6), 621-630, 2014
Characterization of a bacteriophage with broad host range against strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from domestic animals
ACC de Melo, A da Mata Gomes, FL Melo, DMP Ardisson-Araújo, ...
BMC microbiology 19, 1-15, 2019
Antibacterial potential of phytochemicals alone or in combination with antimicrobials against fish pathogenic bacteria
G Bandeira Junior, FJ Sutili, LT Gressler, VL Ely, BP Silveira, C Tasca, ...
Journal of applied microbiology 125 (3), 655-665, 2018
Antimicrobial Resistance in Nontyphoidal Salmonella Isolated from Human and Poultry-Related Samples in Brazil: 20-Year Meta-Analysis
D Voss-Rech, L Potter, CSL Vaz, DIB Pereira, LA Sangioni, AC Vargas, ...
Foodborne pathogens and disease 14 (2), 116-124, 2017
Phenotypic and molecular characterization of bovine Campylobacter fetus strains isolated in Brazil
AC Vargas, MM Costa, MH Vainstein, LC Kreutz, JP Neves
Veterinary microbiology 93 (2), 121-132, 2003
Activity of essential oils from spices against Staphylococcus spp. isolated from bovine mastitis
M Dal Pozzo, DF Santurio, L Rossatto, AC Vargas, SH Alves, ES Loreto, ...
Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia 63, 1229-1232, 2011
Distinct Campylobacter fetus lineages adapted as livestock pathogens and human pathobionts in the intestinal microbiota
G Iraola, SC Forster, N Kumar, P Lehours, S Bekal, FJ García-Peña, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1367, 2017
Plant essential oils against Aeromonas hydrophila: in vitro activity and their use in experimentally infected fish
FJ Sutili, L de Lima Silva, LT Gressler, LT Gressler, EK Battisti, ...
Journal of applied microbiology 119 (1), 47-54, 2015
Caracterização epidemiológica, molecular e perfil de resistência aos antimicrobianos de Escherichia coli isoladas de criatórios suínos do sul do Brasil
MM Costa, MS Silva, DA Spricigo, NM Witt, SB Marchioro, L Kolling, ...
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26, 5-8, 2006
The use of eugenol against Aeromonas hydrophila and its effect on hematological and immunological parameters in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen)
FJ Sutili, LC Kreutz, M Noro, LT Gressler, BM Heinzmann, AC de Vargas, ...
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 157 (3-4), 142-148, 2014
Direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in bovine and bubaline tissues through nested-PCR
CP Araújo, ALAR Osório, KSG Jorge, CAN Ramos, AF Souza Filho, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 45, 633-640, 2014
Virulence markers associated with Trueperella pyogenes infections in livestock and companion animals
RM Risseti, E Zastempowska, M Twarużek, H Lassa, JCF Pantoja, ...
Letters in applied microbiology 65 (2), 125-132, 2017
Antimicrobial activity of caatinga biome ethanolic plant extracts against gram negative and positive bacteria
A Maria da Conceição, RM Peixoto, CC Krewer, JRG da Silva Almeida, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária 18, 62-66, 2011
Estudio de la composición química de los aceites esenciales de seis especies vegetales cultivadas en los municipios de Bolívar y el peñón–Santander, Colombia
A Vargas, E Bottia
Proyecto de grado, Universidad Industrial de Santander Facultad de Ciencias …, 2008
Brucelose canina: relato de caso
AC Varga, A Lazzari, V Dutra, F Poester
Ciência Rural 26, 305-308, 1996
Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Aloysia triphylla (L'Hérit) Britton extracts obtained by pressurized CO2 extraction
TV Parodi, APC Vargas, C Krewer, ÉMM Flores, B Baldisserotto, ...
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 56, 283-292, 2013
Molecular Characterization of Rhodococcus equi from Horse-Breeding Farms by Means of Multiplex PCR for the vap Gene Family
F Monego, F Maboni, C Krewer, A Vargas, M Costa, E Loreto
Current microbiology 58, 399-403, 2009
Differences in the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Moraxella bovis, M. bovoculi and M. ovis
G Maboni, LT Gressler, JP Espindola, M Schwab, C Tasca, L Potter, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 46 (2), 545-549, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20