Dr. D.K. Kundu
Dr. D.K. Kundu
Head, Crop Production Division, CRIJAF (ICAR), Barrackpore, Kolkata, India
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Efficient management of soil and biologically fixed N2 in intensively-cultivated rice fields
DK Kundu, JK Ladha
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27 (4-5), 431-439, 1995
Legume productivity and soil nitrogen dynamics in lowland rice‐based cropping systems
JK Ladha, DK Kundu, MG Angelo‐Van Coppenolle, VR Carangal, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (1), 183-192, 1996
Enhancing agricultural productivity through enhanced water use efficiency
R Singh, DK Kundu, KK Bandyopadhyay
Journal of Agricultural Physics 10 (2), 1-15, 2010
Carbon and nitrogen mineralization kinetics as influenced by diversified cropping systems and residue incorporation in Inceptisols of eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain
M Kumar, DK Kundu, AK Ghorai, S Mitra, SR Singh
Soil and Tillage Research 178, 108-117, 2018
Enhancing soil nitrogen use and biological nitrogen fixation in wetland rice
DK Kundu, JK Ladha
Experimental Agriculture 31 (3), 261-278, 1995
Soil and land quality indicators of the Indo-Gangetic plains of India
SK Ray, T Bhattacharyya, KR Reddy, DK Pal, [...], A Sahu, S Mahapatra, ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1470-1486, 2014
Tillage depth influence on soil nitrogen distribution and availability in a rice lowland
DK Kundu, JK Ladha, E Lapitan‐de Guzman
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (4), 1153-1159, 1996
Rapid textural analysis for saline and alkaline soils with different physical and chemical properties
SK Chaudhari, R Singh, DK Kundu
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (2), 431-441, 2008
Study on the activity and diversity of bacteria in a New Gangetic alluvial soil (Eutrocrept) under rice-wheat-jute cropping system
S Biswas, DK Kundu, SP Mazumdar, AR Saha, B Majumdar, AK Ghorai, ...
Journal of Environmental Biology 39 (3), 379-386, 2018
Revisiting agro-ecological sub-regions of India- a case study of two major food production zones
C Mandal, DK Mandal, T Bhattacharyya, D Sarkar, [...], BA Telpande, ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1519-1536, 2014
Sustaining productivity of lowland rice soils: Issues and options related to N availability
DK Kundu, JK Ladha
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 53, 19-33, 1998
Integrated nutrient supply system in rice and rice based cropping systems
DK Kundu, KG Pillai
Fertilizer News 37 (4), 95-101, 1992
Effect of growing rice on nitrogen mineralization in flooded soil
DK Kundu, JK Ladha
Soil Science Society of America Journal 61 (3), 839-845, 1997
Long-term effects of fertilizer and manure application on soil quality and sustainability of jute-rice-wheat production system in Indo-Gangetic plain
DK Kundu, SP Mazumdar, D Ghosh, AR Saha, B Majumdar, AK Ghorai, ...
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (4), 1793, 2016
Effect of long-term application of inorganic fertilizers and organic manure on yield, potassium uptake and distribution of potassium fractions in the new gangetic alluvial soil …
SP Mazumdar, DK Kundu, D Ghosh, AR Saha, B Majumdar, AK Ghorai
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology 5 (4), 297-306, 2014
Soil temperature prediction from air temperature for alluvial soils in lower Indo-Gangetic plain
D Barman, DK Kundu, S Pal, AK Chakraborty, AK Jha, SP Mazumdar, ...
International Agrophysics 31 (1), 2017
Impact of balanced fertilization on nutrient acquisition, fibre yield of jute and soil quality in New Gangetic alluvial soils of India
SR Singh, DK Kundu, MK Tripathi, P Dey, AR Saha, M Kumar, I Singh, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 92, 24-34, 2015
Evaluation of irrigation-service utility from the perspective of farmers
S Ghosh, R Singh, DK Kundu
Water Resources Management 19, 467-482, 2005
Impact of management levels and land-use changes on soil properties in rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains
GS Sidhu, T Bhattacharyya, D Sarkar, SK Ray, P Chandran, DK Pal, [....], ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1487-1501, 2014
Legumes for sustaining soil fertility in lowland rice
JK Ladha, DK Kundu
Extending nitrogen fixation research to farmers’ fields: Proceedings of an …, 1997
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20