Kierra M.P. Sattler
Kierra M.P. Sattler
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Strengthening causal estimates for links between spanking and children’s externalizing behavior problems
ET Gershoff, KMP Sattler, A Ansari
Psychological science 29 (1), 110-120, 2018
Combating obesity in head start: outdoor play and change in children's body mass index
A Ansari, K Pettit, E Gershoff
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 36 (8), 605-612, 2015
Resilience in young children involved with child protective services
KMP Sattler, SA Font
Child abuse & neglect 75, 104-114, 2017
Thresholds of resilience and within-and cross-domain academic achievement among children in poverty
K Sattler, E Gershoff
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 46, 87-96, 2019
Age-specific risk factors associated with placement instability among foster children
KMP Sattler, SA Font, ET Gershoff
Child Abuse & Neglect 84, 157-169, 2018
When home is still unsafe: From family reunification to foster care reentry
SA Font, KMP Sattler, E Gershoff
Journal of marriage and family 80 (5), 1333-1343, 2018
Young children’s behavioral and emotional reactions to plexiglas and video visits with jailed parents
J Poehlmann-Tynan, H Runion, C Burnson, S Maleck, L Weymouth, ...
Children’s contact with incarcerated parents: Implications for policy and …, 2015
Measurement and correlates of foster care placement moves
SA Font, KMP Sattler, ET Gershoff
Children and Youth Services Review 91, 248-258, 2018
School corporal punishment and its associations with achievement and adjustment
E Gershoff, KMP Sattler, GW Holden
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 63, 1-8, 2019
The association of race, ethnicity, and poverty with child maltreatment reporting
R Rebbe, KMP Sattler, JA Mienko
Pediatrics 150 (2), 2022
Predictors of adoption and guardianship dissolution: The role of race, age, and gender among children in foster care
KMP Sattler, SA Font
Child Maltreatment 26 (2), 216-227, 2021
Protective factors against child neglect among families in poverty
KMP Sattler
Child Abuse & Neglect 124, 105438, 2022
Neighborhood poverty, family economic well-being, and child maltreatment
K Maguire-Jack, K Sattler
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (5-6), 4814-4831, 2023
Disentangling poverty from neglect: Using a person-centered approach to examine risk factors for neglect among families in poverty
KMP Sattler
Child maltreatment 28 (4), 576-588, 2023
Longitudinal examination of resilience among child welfare-involved adolescents: The roles of caregiver–child relationships and deviant peer affiliation
S Yoon, K Sattler, J Knox, Y Xin
Development and psychopathology 35 (3), 1069-1078, 2023
Trajectories of resilience among young children involved with child protective services
K Sattler, S Yoon, A Lutolli
Development and psychopathology 36 (1), 467-477, 2024
Foster care, kinship care, and the transition to adulthood: Do child welfare system processes explain differences in outcomes?
KMP Sattler, T Herd, SA Font
Children and youth services review 153, 107098, 2023
Can early childhood education be compensatory? Examining the benefits of child care among children who experience neglect
KMP Sattler
Early education and development 34 (6), 1398-1413, 2023
Change in risk patterns across early childhood and children’s first-grade adjustment
N Yan, A Ansari, KMP Sattler, N Zhou
Journal of Child and Family Studies 28, 490-504, 2019
Mothers' work conditions, income, and parenting of young children
KMP Sattler, KC Prickett, R Crosnoe
Family Relations 73 (2), 1159-1177, 2024
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مقالات 1–20