Erich Nau
Erich Nau
NIKU - Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Stonehenge hidden landscapes project
C Gaffney, V Gaffney, W Neubauer, E Baldwin, H Chapman, P Garwood, ...
Archaeological Prospection 19 (2), 147-155, 2012
Large‐area high‐resolution ground‐penetrating radar measurements for archaeological prospection
I Trinks, A Hinterleitner, W Neubauer, E Nau, K Löcker, M Wallner, ...
Archaeological Prospection 25 (3), 171-195, 2018
Coastal erosion of arctic cultural heritage in danger: A case study from svalbard, Norway
IC Nicu, L Rubensdotter, K Stalsberg, E Nau
Water 13 (6), 784, 2021
Durrington walls and the Stonehenge hidden landscape project 2010–2016
V Gaffney, W Neubauer, P Garwood, C Gaffney, K Löcker, R Bates, ...
Archaeological Prospection 25 (3), 255-269, 2018
The late Nordic Iron Age and Viking Age royal burial site of Borre in Norway: ALS-and GPR-based landscape reconstruction and harbour location at an uplifting coastal area
E Draganits, M Doneus, T Gansum, L Gustavsen, E Nau, C Tonning, ...
Quaternary International 367, 96-110, 2015
Archaeological prospection of a specialized cooking‐pit site at Lunde in Vestfold, Norway
L Gustavsen, RJS Cannell, E Nau, C Tonning, I Trinks, M Kristiansen, ...
Archaeological Prospection 25 (1), 17-31, 2018
Two new ways of documenting miniature incisions using a combination of image-based modelling and reflectance transformation imaging
DØE Solem, E Nau
Remote Sensing 12 (10), 1626, 2020
Halls at Borre: The discovery of three large buildings at a Late Iron and Viking Age royal burial site in Norway
C Tonning, P Schneidhofer, E Nau, T Gansum, V Lia, L Gustavsen, ...
Antiquity 94 (373), 145-163, 2020
Palaeoenvironmental analysis of large-scale, high-resolution GPR and magnetometry data sets: The Viking Age site of Gokstad in Norway
P Schneidhofer, E Nau, A Hinterleitner, A Lugmayr, J Bill, T Gansum, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9, 1187-1213, 2017
Delineating an unmarked graveyard by high-resolution GPR and PXRF prospection: The medieval church site of Furulund in Norway
R Cannell, L Gustavsen, M Kristiansen, E Nau
Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 1 (1), 1-18, 2018
Large‐scale geophysical archaeological prospection pilot study at Viking Age and medieval sites in west Jutland, Denmark
R Filzwieser, LH Olesen, W Neubauer, I Trinks, ES Mauritsen, ...
Archaeological Prospection 24 (4), 373-393, 2017
The effectiveness of large-scale, high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys and trial trenching for archaeological site evaluations—A comparative study from two sites …
L Gustavsen, AA Stamnes, SE Fretheim, LE Gjerpe, E Nau
Remote Sensing 12 (9), 1408, 2020
The influence of environmental factors on the quality of GPR data: The Borre Monitoring Project
P Schneidhofer, C Tonning, RJS Cannell, E Nau, A Hinterleitner, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3289, 2022
Integration of complementary archaeological prospection data from a Late Iron Age settlement at Vesterager—Denmark
R Filzwieser, LH Olesen, G Verhoeven, ES Mauritsen, W Neubauer, ...
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 25 (2), 313-333, 2018
Gjellestad: a newly discovered ‘central place’in south-east Norway
L Gustavsen, PE Gjesvold, SM Gundersen, A Hinterleitner, E Nau, ...
Antiquity 94 (378), 1520-1537, 2020
Geoarchaeological evaluation of ground penetrating radar and magnetometry surveys at the Iron Age burial mound Rom in Norway
P Schneidhofer, E Nau, J Leigh McGraw, C Tonning, E Draganits, ...
Archaeological Prospection 24 (4), 425-443, 2017
Archaeological prospection with motorised multichannel ground-penetrating radar arrays on snow-covered areas in Norway
M Gabler, I Trinks, E Nau, A Hinterleitner, K Paasche, L Gustavsen, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (21), 2485, 2019
Archaeological Prospection of the Unesco World Cultural Hertitage Site Birka-Hovgården
I Trinks, W Neubauer, E Nau, M Gabler, M Wallner, A Hinterleitner, ...
Advancing large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection, 203, 2013
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
A Biwall, M Gabler, A Hinterleitner, P Karlsson, M Kucera, L Larsson, ...
9th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 218-222, 2011
Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum: erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum “
W Neubauer, M Wallner, C Gugl, K Löcker, A Vonkilch, T Trausmuth, ...
Carnuntum Jahrbuch 1, 55-75, 2018
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مقالات 1–20