Joan L. Giese
Joan L. Giese
Scholarly Associate Professor of Marketing, Washington State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Defining consumer satisfaction
JL Giese, JA Cote
Academy of marketing science review 1 (1), 1-22, 2000
Customer retailer loyalty in the context of multiple channel strategies
DW Wallace, JL Giese, JL Johnson
Journal of retailing 80 (4), 249-263, 2004
Impression management using typeface design
PW Henderson, JL Giese, JA Cote
Journal of marketing 68 (4), 60-72, 2004
Using type font characteristics to communicate brand personality of new brands
B Grohmann, JL Giese, ID Parkman
Journal of Brand Management 20 (5), 389-403, 2013
Communicating through pictures and words: Understanding the role of affect and cognition in processing visual and verbal information
JZ Sojka, JL Giese
Psychology & Marketing 23 (12), 995-1014, 2006
Thinking and/or Feeling: An Examination of Interaction Between Processing Styles.
JZ Sojka, JL Giese
Advances in consumer research 24 (1), 1997
The influence of personality traits on the processing of visual and verbal information
JZ Sojka, JL Giese
Marketing letters 12, 91-106, 2001
Advancing the aesthetic middle principle: Trade-offs in design attractiveness and strength
JL Giese, K Malkewitz, UR Orth, PW Henderson
Journal of Business Research 67 (6), 1154-1161, 2014
Effects of product-specific word-of-mouth communication on product category involvement
JL Giese, ER Spangenberg, AE Crowley
Marketing Letters 7, 187-199, 1996
Using individual differences to detect customer shopping behaviour
JZ Sojka, JL Giese
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 13 (4 …, 2003
The relationship between processing styles and self-control behavioral characteristics
J Giese, J Sojka
Marketing Letters 9, 371-382, 1998
An exploratory study of word‐of‐mouth communication in a hierarchy of effects context
ER Spangenberg, JL Giese
Communication Research Reports 14 (1), 88-96, 1997
Retailer evaluation: the crucial link between in-store processes and shopping outcomes
E Gurel-Atay, JL Giese, J Godek
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 20 (3 …, 2010
The effect of product-level standards of comparison on consumer satisfaction
JL Giese, JA Cote, PW Henderson
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior …, 1997
Feeling, thinking, and differential decision making under risk
S Andrews, J Giese, D Boush
Advances in Consumer Research 37, 465-466, 2010
Defining Consumer Satisfaction, Giese and Cote/Defining Consumer Satisfaction
JL Giese
Academy of Marketing Science Review 2000 (1), 0
Exploring the Role of Shopping Efficacy on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions
EG Atay, J Giese, J Godek
Institute for Social Research 150, 165, 2008
Advertising socially sensitive products: The effects of processing style and type of appeal
JZ Sojka, DE Innis, JL Giese
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings 9, 8, 1998
Conceptualizing consumer satisfaction: A definition, properties, and contextual influences.
JL Giese
Anhang I: Übersicht der einbezogenen Literatur
LPA Simons, H Bouwman, DW Wallace, JL Giese, JL Johnson, ...
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مقالات 1–20