Dr Angela Dwyer
Dr Angela Dwyer
Associate Professor of Policing and Emergency Management
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على utas.edu.au
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
‘It’s not like we’re going to jump them’: How transgressing heteronormativity shapes police interactions with LGBT young people
A Dwyer
Youth Justice 11 (3), 203-220, 2011
Teaching young queers a lesson: How police teach lessons about non-heteronormativity in public spaces
A Dwyer
Sexuality & Culture 19, 493-512, 2015
Pleasures, perversities, and partnerships: The historical emergence of LGBT-police relationships
A Dwyer
Handbook of LGBT communities, crime, and justice, 149-164, 2014
It's always a pleasure: Exploring productivity and pleasure in a writing group for early career academics
A Dwyer, B Lewis, F McDonald, M Burns
Studies in Continuing Education 34 (2), 129-144, 2012
“We’re not like these weird feather boa-covered AIDS-spreading monsters”: How LGBT young people and service providers think riskiness informs LGBT youth–police interactions
A Dwyer
Critical Criminology 22, 65-79, 2014
Policing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people: A gap in the research literature
A Dwyer
Current Issues in Criminal Justice 22 (3), 415-433, 2011
Cisnormativity, criminalisation, vulnerability: Transgender people in prisons
J Rodgers, N Asquith, A Dwyer
University of Tasmania, 2017
A queer criminal career
NL Asquith, A Dwyer, P Simpson
Current Issues in Criminal Justice 29 (2), 167-180, 2017
The past is the past? The impossibility of erasure of historical LGBTIQ policing
A Dwyer, S Tomsen
Queering criminology, 36-53, 2016
Sex, crime and morality
S Hayes, B Carpenter, A Dwyer
Willan, 2012
Exploring LGBTI Police Liaison Services: Factors influencing their use and effectiveness according to LGBTI people and LGBTI police liaison officers: Report to the Criminology …
A Dwyer, M Ball, C Bond, M Lee, T Crofts
Criminology Research Advisory Council, 2017
Policing LGBTIQ people in rural spaces: Emerging issues and future concerns
A Dwyer, M Ball, E Barker
Rural Society 24 (3), 227-243, 2015
Policing visible sexual/gender diversity as a program of governance
A Dwyer
International Journal for crime, justice and social democracy 1 (1), 14-26, 2012
Building an intersectional and trans-inclusive criminology: Responding to the emergence of “gender critical” perspectives in feminist criminology
J Valcore, HF Fradella, X Guadalupe-Diaz, MJ Ball, A Dwyer, C DeJong, ...
Critical Criminology 29, 687-706, 2021
Police perceptions of young people: A qualitative analysis
K Richards, C Cross, A Dwyer
Police practice and research 20 (4), 360-375, 2019
No longer raising eyebrows: The contexts and domestication of Botox as a mundane medical and cultural artefact
PS Cook, A Dwyer
Journal of consumer culture 17 (3), 887-909, 2017
Policing queer bodies: Focusing on queer embodiment in policing research as an ethical question
A Dwyer
Law and Justice Journal 8 (2), 414-428, 2008
Barriers stopping LGBTI people from accessing LGBTI police liaison officers: Analysing interviews with community and police
A Dwyer, M Ball, M Lee, T Crofts, C Bond
LGBTQ+ Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 64-83, 2023
Training sessional academic staff to provide quality feedback on university students' assessment: Lessons from a faculty of law learning and teaching project
K Richards, T Bell, A Dwyer
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 65 (1), 25-34, 2017
Queering criminologies
A Dwyer, M Ball, T Crofts
Queering criminology, 1-11, 2016
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مقالات 1–20