William H. George
William H. George
Professor of Psychology, Universitiy of Washington
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Coping, expectancies, and alcohol abuse: a test of social learning formulations.
ML Cooper, M Russell, WH George
Journal of abnormal psychology 97 (2), 218, 1988
Relapse prevention: Introduction and overview of the model
GA Marlatt, WH George
British journal of addiction 79 (4), 261-273, 1984
Relapse prevention for addictive behaviors
CS Hendershot, K Witkiewitz, WH George, GA Marlatt
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 6, 1-17, 2011
Alcohol and human sexuality: review and integration.
LC Crowe, WH George
Psychological bulletin 105 (3), 374, 1989
Understanding acute alcohol effects on sexual behavior
WH George, SA Stoner
Annual review of sex research 11 (1), 92-124, 2000
Victim blaming in rape: Effects of victim and perpetrator race, type of rape, and participant racism
WH George, LJ Martínez
Psychology of Women Quarterly 26 (2), 110-119, 2002
Perceptions of Postdrinking Female Sexuality: Effects of Gender, Beverage Choice, and Drink Payment1
WH George, SJ Gournic, MP McAfee
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 18 (15), 1295-1316, 1988
Couple and individual adjustment for 2 years following a randomized clinical trial comparing traditional versus integrative behavioral couple therapy.
A Christensen, DC Atkins, J Yi, DH Baucom, WH George
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 74 (6), 1180, 2006
Sexually aggressive college males: Empathy as a moderator in the “Confluence Model” of sexual aggression
JG Wheeler, WH George, BJ Dahl
Personality and Individual Differences 33 (5), 759-775, 2002
How to score the Sexual Experiences Survey? A comparison of nine methods.
KC Davis, AK Gilmore, CA Stappenbeck, MJ Balsan, WH George, J Norris
Psychology of violence 4 (4), 445, 2014
Indirect effects of acute alcohol intoxication on sexual risk-taking: The roles of subjective and physiological sexual arousal
WH George, KC Davis, J Norris, JR Heiman, SA Stoner, RL Schacht, ...
Archives of sexual behavior 38, 498-513, 2009
Understanding alcohol expectancy effects: Revisiting the placebo condition
M Testa, MT Fillmore, J Norris, A Abbey, JJ Curtin, KE Leonard, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research 30 (2), 339-348, 2006
Alcohol's effects on sexual decision making: An integration of alcohol myopia and individual differences
KC Davis, CS Hendershot, WH George, J Norris, JR Heiman
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 68 (6), 843-851, 2007
The effects of alcohol and anger on interest in violence, erotica, and deviance.
WH George, GA Marlatt
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 95 (2), 150, 1986
Alcohol expectancies and sexuality: a self-fulfilling prophecy analysis of dyadic perceptions and behavior.
WH George, SA Stoner, J Norris, PA Lopez, GL Lehman
Journal of studies on alcohol 61 (1), 168-176, 2000
A revised Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire: factor structure confirmation, and invariance in a general population sample.
WH George, MR Frone, ML Cooper, M Russell, JB Skinner, M Windle
Journal of studies on alcohol 56 (2), 177-185, 1995
Alcohol use, expectancies, and sexual sensation seeking as correlates of HIV risk behavior in heterosexual young adults.
CS Hendershot, SA Stoner, WH George, J Norris
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 21 (3), 365, 2007
Rape prevention with college men: Evaluating risk status
KA Stephens, WH George
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 24 (6), 996-1013, 2009
Self‐Reported Alcohol Expectancies and Postdrinking Sexual Inferences About Women1
WH George, KL Cue, PA Lopez, LC Crowe, J Norris
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 25 (2), 164-186, 1995
Randomized controlled trial of a web-delivered personalized normative feedback intervention to reduce alcohol-related risky sexual behavior among college students.
MA Lewis, ME Patrick, DM Litt, DC Atkins, T Kim, JA Blayney, J Norris, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 82 (3), 429, 2014
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