Patrick Sprenger
Patrick Sprenger
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Hydrodynamic optical soliton tunneling
P Sprenger, MA Hoefer, GA El
Physical Review E 97 (3), 032218, 2018
Shock waves in dispersive hydrodynamics with nonconvex dispersion
P Sprenger, MA Hoefer
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 77 (1), 26-50, 2017
Observation of self-cavitating envelope dispersive shock waves in yttrium iron garnet thin films
PAP Janantha, P Sprenger, MA Hoefer, M Wu
Physical Review Letters 119 (2), 024101, 2017
Modulation theory solution for nonlinearly resonant, fifth‐order Korteweg–de Vries, nonclassical, traveling dispersive shock waves
MA Hoefer, NF Smyth, P Sprenger
Studies in Applied Mathematics 142 (3), 219-240, 2019
Discontinuous shock solutions of the Whitham modulation equations as zero dispersion limits of traveling waves
P Sprenger, MA Hoefer
Nonlinearity 33 (7), 3268, 2020
Whitham modulation theory for generalized Whitham equations and a general criterion for modulational instability
AL Binswanger, MA Hoefer, B Ilan, P Sprenger
Studies in Applied Mathematics 147 (2), 724-751, 2021
Traveling wave solutions of the Kawahara equation joining distinct periodic waves
P Sprenger, TJ Bridges, M Shearer
Journal of nonlinear science 33 (5), 79, 2023
Magnonic band structure established by chiral spin-density waves in thin-film ferromagnets
P Sprenger, MA Hoefer, E Iacocca
IEEE Magnetics Letters 10, 1-5, 2019
Hydrodynamics of a discrete conservation law
P Sprenger, C Chong, E Okyere, M Herrmann, PG Kevrekidis, MA Hoefer
Studies in Applied Mathematics 153 (4), e12767, 2024
Generalized Riemann problems in dispersive hydrodynamics
P Sprenger
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2019
Whitham modulation theory and two-phase instabilities for generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations with full dispersion
P Sprenger, MA Hoefer, B Ilan
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 84 (4), 1337-1361, 2024
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مقالات 1–11