Thomas Becker
Thomas Becker
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Employee commitment and motivation: a conceptual analysis and integrative model.
JP Meyer, TE Becker, C Vandenberghe
Journal of applied psychology 89 (6), 991, 2004
Potential problems in the statistical control of variables in organizational research: A qualitative analysis with recommendations
TE Becker
Organizational research methods 8 (3), 274-289, 2005
Foci and bases of commitment: Are they distinctions worth making?
TE Becker
Academy of management Journal 35 (1), 232-244, 1992
Foci and bases of employee commitment: Implications for job performance
TE Becker, RS Billings, DM Eveleth, NL Gilbert
Academy of management journal 39 (2), 464-482, 1996
Social identities and commitments at work: Toward an integrative model
JP Meyer, TE Becker, R Van Dick
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2006
Statistical control in correlational studies: 10 essential recommendations for organizational researchers
TE Becker, G Atinc, JA Breaugh, KD Carlson, JR Edwards, PE Spector
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 (2), 157-167, 2016
Leader–member exchange and affective organizational commitment: The contribution of supervisor's organizational embodiment.
R Eisenberger, G Karagonlar, F Stinglhamber, P Neves, TE Becker, ...
Journal of Applied psychology 95 (6), 1085, 2010
Profiles of commitment: An empirical test
TE Becker, RS Billings
Journal of organizational behavior 14 (2), 177-190, 1993
Integrity in organizations: Beyond honesty and conscientiousness
TE Becker
Academy of Management Review 23 (1), 154-161, 1998
Commitment in organizations: Accumulated wisdom and new directions
HJ Klein, TE Becker, JP Meyer
Commitment in organizations, 2009
The multidimensional view of commitment and the theory of reasoned action: A comparative evaluation
TE Becker, DM Randall, CD Riegel
Journal of Management 21 (4), 617-638, 1995
Matching commitment to supervisors and organizations to in-role and extra-role performance
TE Becker, MC Kernan
Human performance 16 (4), 327-348, 2003
Communication, procedural justice, and employee attitudes: Relationships under conditions of divestiture
C Gopinath, TE Becker
Journal of management 26 (1), 63-83, 2000
A field study of the relationship between the organizational feedback environment and performance
TE Becker, RJ Klimoski
Personnel Psychology 42 (2), 343-358, 1989
Potential versus actual faking of a biodata form: An analysis along several dimensions of item type
TE Becker, AL Colquitt
Personnel psychology 45 (2), 389-406, 1992
Construct validity of three types of organizational citizenship behavior: An illustration of the direct product model with refinements
TE Becker, RJ Vance
Journal of Management 19 (3), 663-682, 1993
Defeating abusive supervision: Training supervisors to support subordinates.
MG Gonzalez-Morales, MC Kernan, TE Becker, R Eisenberger
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (2), 151, 2018
Is Emotional Intelligence a Viable Concept?
T Becker
The Academy of Management Review 28 (2), 192-195, 2003
Lying in negotiations: How individual and situational factors influence the use of neutralization strategies
K Aquino, TE Becker
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005
Trying to look bad at work: Methods and motives for managing poor impressions in organizations
TE Becker, SL Martin
Academy of Management Journal 38 (1), 174-199, 1995
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مقالات 1–20