Benjamin L Melosh
Benjamin L Melosh
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, USGS
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault
R Sutherland, J Townend, V Toy, P Upton, J Coussens, M Allen, ...
Nature 546 (7656), 137-140, 2017
Snap, Crackle, Pop: Dilational fault breccias record seismic slip below the brittle–plastic transition
BL Melosh, CD Rowe, L Smit, C Groenewald, CW Lambert, P Macey
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 403, 432 - 445, 2014
Effects of active folding and reverse faulting on stream channel evolution, Santa Barbara Fold Belt, California
B Melosh, E Keller
Geomorphology 186, 119-135, 2013
Petrophysical, geochemical, and hydrological evidence for extensive fracture‐mediated fluid and heat transport in the Alpine Fault's hanging‐wall damage zone
J Townend, R Sutherland, VG Toy, ML Doan, B Célérier, C Massiot, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (12), 4709-4732, 2017
Bedrock geology of DFDP-2B, central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
VG Toy, R Sutherland, J Townend, MJ Allen, L Becroft, A Boles, C Boulton, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 60 (4), 497-518, 2017
Sierra Crest graben-vent system: A Walker Lane pull apart within the ancestral Cascades arc
CJ Busby, AK Koerner, BL Melosh, JC Hagan, GDM Andrews
Geosphere 9 (4), 736 - 780, 2013
Progressive derangement of ancient (Mesozoic) east-west Nevadaplano paleochannels into modern (Miocene–Holocene) north-northwest trends in the Walker Lane Belt, central Sierra …
CJ Busby, GDM Andrews, AK Koerner, SR Brown, BL Melosh, JC Hagan
Geosphere 12 (1), 135-175, 2016
Seismic cycle feedbacks in a mid-crustal shear zone
BL Melosh, CD Rowe, C Gerbi, L Smit, P Macey
Journal of Structural Geology 112, 95-111, 2018
Characterization of geothermal activity along the North American–Caribbean Plate boundary in Guatemala: The Joaquina geothermal field
RB Libbey, AE Williams-Jones, BL Melosh, NR Backeberg
Geothermics 56, 17-34, 2015
A tale of two Walker Lane pull-apart basins in the ancestral Cascades arc, central Sierra Nevada, California
CJ Busby, K Putirka, B Melosh, PR Renne, JC Hagan, M Gambs, ...
Geosphere 14 (5), 2068-2117, 2018
The spin zone: Transient mid-crust permeability caused by coseismic brecciation
BL Melosh, CD Rowe, C Gerbi, CE Bate, D Shulman
Journal of Structural Geology 87, 47-63, 2016
A tale of two Walker Lane pull-aparts
C Busby, K Putirka, P Renne, B Melosh, J Hagan, A Koerner
GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting 45 (6), 59, 2013
Birth of a plate boundary
CJ Busby, JC Hagan, AA Koerner, K Putirka, CJ Pluhar, BL Melosh
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42 (4), 80, 2010
Fault Initiation in Serpentinite
BL Melosh
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019
Neotectonic significance of Franciscan Complex bedrock structure adjacent to the Maacama Fault zone in the Ukiah-Hopland area, northern California
RJ McLaughlin, RG Stanley, BL Melosh, VE Langenheim
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, T23F-0444, 2019
Earthquake cycling in the brittle-plastic transition of a transform boundary: The Pofadder Shear Zone, Namibia and South Africa
BL Melosh
McGill University (Canada), 2015
Integrated geologic and geophysical modeling across the Bartlett Springs fault zone, northern California (USA): Implications for fault creep and regional structure
VE Langenheim, RJ McLaughlin, BL Melosh
Geosphere 20 (1), 129-151, 2024
Earthquake Breccias
CD Rowe, BL Melosh, K Lamothe, V Schnitzer, C Bate
AGU fall meeting abstracts, T52A-01, 2013
Controls of extension on Miocene arc magmatism in the central Sierra Nevada (CA)
C Busby, KD Putirka, JC Hagan, A Koerner, BL Melosh
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, V41B-2173, 2009
The geometry of fault reactivation and uplift along the central part of the Maacama Fault Zone, Northern California Coast Ranges (USA)
BL Melosh, RJ McLaughlin, HN Ohlin
Geosphere 20 (6), 1511-1532, 2024
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مقالات 1–20