Jean-Pascal BERGÉ
Jean-Pascal BERGÉ
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Fatty acids from lipids of marine organisms: molecular biodiversity, roles as biomarkers, biologically active compounds, and economical aspects
JP Bergé, G Barnathan
Marine biotechnology I, 49-125, 2005
Antiproliferative activity of fish protein hydrolysates on human breast cancer cell lines
L Picot, S Bordenave, S Didelot, I Fruitier-Arnaudin, F Sannier, ...
Process Biochemistry 41 (5), 1217-1222, 2006
Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification
E Nielsen, A Cariani, E Mac Aoidh, G Maes, I Milano, R Ogden, M Taylor, ...
Nature Communications 3, 2012
Antibacterial activity of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum against aquacultural pathogens
M Naviner, JP Bergé, P Durand, H Le Bris
Aquaculture 174 (1), 15-24, 1999
Investigation of the antifouling constituents from the brown alga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt
A Bazes, A Silkina, P Douzenel, F Faÿ, N Kervarec, D Morin, JP Berge, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 21, 395-403, 2009
Impact of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration of an industrial fish protein hydrolysate on its bioactive properties
L Picot, R Ravallec, M Fouchereau‐Péron, L Vandanjon, P Jaouen, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90 (11), 1819-1826, 2010
Seasonal variation of lipids and fatty acids of the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata grown in outdoor large-scale photobioreactors
M Olofsson, T Lamela, E Nilsson, JP Bergé, V Del Pino, P Uronen, ...
Energies 5 (5), 1577-1592, 2012
Reassessment of lipid composition of the diatom Skeletonema costatum
JP Berge, JP Gouygou, JP Dubacq, P Durand
Phytochemistry 39 (5), 1017-1021, 1995
Enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE) for the production of antiviral and antioxidant extracts from the green seaweed Ulva armoricana (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae)
K Hardouin, G Bedoux, AS Burlot, C Donnay-Moreno, JP Bergé, ...
Algal Research 16, 233-239, 2016
In Vitro Anti-inflammatory and Anti-proliferative Activity of Sulfolipids from the Red Alga Porphyridium cruentum
JP Bergé, E Debiton, J Dumay, P Durand, C Barthomeuf
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (21), 6227-6232, 2002
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and sardine Sardina pilchardus viscera using commercial proteases: Effects on lipid distribution and amino acid composition
ES Kechaou, J Dumay, C Donnay-Moreno, P Jaouen, JP Gouygou, ...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 107 (2), 158-164, 2009
Metabolites from the sponge-associated bacterium Pseudomonas species
V Bultel-Poncé, JP Bergé, C Debitus, JL Nicolas, M Guyot
Improvement of lipid and phospholipid recoveries from sardine Sardina pilchardus viscera using industrial proteases
J Dumay, C Donnay-Moreno, G Barnathan, P Jaouen, JP Berge
Process Biochemistry 41 (11), 2327-2332, 2006
Fractionation of fish protein hydrolysates by ultrafiltration and nanofiltration: impact on peptidic populations
P Bourseau, L Vandanjon, P Jaouen, M Chaplain-Derouiniot, A Masse, ...
Desalination 244 (1-3), 303-320, 2009
Quality differences of gilthead sea bream from distinct production systems in Southern Europe: Intensive, integrated, semi-intensive or extensive systems
LMP Valente, J Cornet, C Donnay-Moreno, JP Gouygou, JP Bergé, ...
Food Control 22 (5), 708-717, 2011
Screening of marine algal extracts for anti-settlement activities against microalgae and macroalgae
C Hellio, JP Berge, C Beaupoil, Y Le Gal, N Bourgougnon
Biofouling 18 (3), 205-215, 2002
Enzymatic hydrolysis of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) by-products using Protamex protease
HTM Nguyen, KSB Sylla, Z Randriamahatody, C Donnay-Moreno, ...
Food Technology and Biotechnology 49 (1), 48-55, 2011
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of R-phycoerythrin from Grateloupia turuturu with and without enzyme addition
C Le Guillard, J Dumay, C Donnay-Moreno, S Bruzac, JY Ragon, ...
Algal research 12, 522-528, 2015
Effect of diets containing tuna head hydrolysates on the survival and growth of shrimp Penaeus vannamei
HTM Nguyen, R Pérez-Gálvez, JP Bergé
Aquaculture 324, 127-134, 2012
Metabolites from the sponge-associated bacterium Micrococcus luteus
V Bultel-Ponce, C Debitus, JP Berge, C Cerceau, M Guyot
Journal of marine biotechnology 6, 233-236, 1998
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مقالات 1–20