Resilience metrics for cyber systems I Linkov, DA Eisenberg, K Plourde, TP Seager, J Allen, A Kott Environment Systems and Decisions 33, 471-476, 2013 | 372 | 2013 |
Further validation of a cigarette purchase task for assessing the relative reinforcing efficacy of nicotine in college smokers. J MacKillop, JG Murphy, LA Ray, DTA Eisenberg, SA Lisman, JK Lum, ... Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 16 (1), 57, 2008 | 327 | 2008 |
Measurable resilience for actionable policy I Linkov, DA Eisenberg, ME Bates, D Chang, M Convertino, JH Allen, ... Environmental science & technology 47 (18), 10108-10110, 2013 | 302 | 2013 |
Interdependent infrastructure as linked social, ecological, and technological systems (SETSs) to address lock‐in and enhance resilience SA Markolf, MV Chester, DA Eisenberg, DM Iwaniec, CI Davidson, ... Earth's Future 6 (12), 1638-1659, 2018 | 259 | 2018 |
Romances of chivalry in the Spanish Golden Age D Eisenberg, M Riquer (No Title), 1982 | 256 | 1982 |
Impacts of rising air temperatures on electric transmission ampacity and peak electricity load in the United States M Bartos, M Chester, N Johnson, B Gorman, D Eisenberg, I Linkov, ... Environmental Research Letters 11 (11), 114008, 2016 | 184 | 2016 |
Anticipatory life-cycle assessment for responsible research and innovation BA Wender, RW Foley, TA Hottle, J Sadowski, V Prado-Lopez, ... Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (2), 200-207, 2014 | 167 | 2014 |
Bibliografía de los libros de caballerías castellanos D Eisenberg, MC Marín Pina | 154 | 2000 |
Illustrating anticipatory life cycle assessment for emerging photovoltaic technologies BA Wender, RW Foley, V Prado-Lopez, D Ravikumar, DA Eisenberg, ... Environmental science & technology 48 (18), 10531-10538, 2014 | 152 | 2014 |
Fail-safe and safe-to-fail adaptation: decision-making for urban flooding under climate change Y Kim, DA Eisenberg, EN Bondank, MV Chester, G Mascaro, ... Climatic Change 145, 397-412, 2017 | 145 | 2017 |
Network topology and resilience analysis of South Korean power grid DH Kim, DA Eisenberg, YH Chun, J Park Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 465, 13-24, 2017 | 128 | 2017 |
Benchmarking agency and organizational practices in resilience decision making S Larkin, C Fox-Lent, DA Eisenberg, BD Trump, S Wallace, C Chadderton, ... Environment Systems and Decisions 35, 185-195, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
La interpretación cervantina del Quijote D Eisenberg, I Verdaguer Compañía literaria, 1995 | 101 | 1995 |
A study of Don Quixote D Eisenberg, R Bjornson Juan de la Cuesta, 1987 | 101 | 1987 |
La biblioteca de Cervantes: una reconstrucción D Eisenberg Versión Preliminar. Accesible en:< https://www. academia. edu/26165618 …, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |
Espejo de príncipes y cavalleros:(el cavallero del Febo) D Ortúñez de Calahorra, D Eisenberg (No Title), 1975 | 77* | 1975 |
The infrastructure trolley problem: positioning safe‐to‐fail infrastructure for climate change adaptation Y Kim, MV Chester, DA Eisenberg, CL Redman Earth's Future 7 (7), 704-717, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
Castilian romances of chivalry in the sixteenth century: a bibliography D Eisenberg (No Title), 1979 | 74 | 1979 |
The vulnerability of interdependent urban infrastructure systems to climate change: could Phoenix experience a Katrina of extreme heat? SS Clark, MV Chester, TP Seager, DA Eisenberg Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 4 (1), 21-35, 2019 | 71 | 2019 |
Does the picaresque novel exist? D Eisenberg Kentucky Romance Quarterly 26 (2), 203-219, 1979 | 67 | 1979 |