Origin of the Species C Darwin British Politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century, 47-55, 2023 | 66072 | 2023 |
The descent of man C Darwin, MT Ghiselin Prometheus Books, 1874 | 34403 | 1874 |
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 23: The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals PH Barrett Routledge, 2016 | 29231 | 2016 |
Building a learning organization C Darwin Knowledge solutions 57 (54), 78-99, 2017 | 10976 | 2017 |
The variation of animals and plants under domestication C Darwin, D Charles Cambridge University Press, 2010 | 4591 | 2010 |
The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species C Darwin, F Darwin Appleton, 1877 | 2981 | 1877 |
The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits C Darwin J. Murray, 1892 | 2934 | 1892 |
The Works of Charles Darwin, Volume 27: The Power of Movement in Plants C Darwin NYU Press, 2010 | 2845 | 2010 |
The life and letters of Charles Darwin: Including an autobiographical chapter C Darwin D. Appleton, 1887 | 2688 | 1887 |
El origen de las especies por medio de la selección natural C Darwin Editorial CSIC-CSIC Press, 2009 | 2625 | 2009 |
The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects C Darwin John Murray, 1877 | 2605 | 1877 |
The voyage of the Beagle C Darwin Wordsworth Editions, 1997 | 2232 | 1997 |
On the tendency of species to form varieties: and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection C Darwin, AR Wallace, SC Lyell, JD Hooker Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, and Williams and Norgate 3 (1858 …, 1858 | 1317 | 1858 |
The Works of Charles Darwin, Volume 29:“Erasmus Darwin” by Ernest Krause, with a Preliminary Notice by Charles Darwin;“The Autobiography of Charles Darwin” Edited by Nora … C Darwin NYU Press, 1990 | 1150 | 1990 |
On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or, the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life CD Darlington Watts & Company, 1950 | 1144* | 1950 |
A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia: with figures of all the species C Darwin Ray society, 1854 | 1051 | 1854 |
More letters of Charles Darwin: a record of his work in a series of hitherto unpublished letters C Darwin D. Appleton, 1903 | 905 | 1903 |
The movements and habits of climbing plants C Darwin John Murray, 1875 | 877 | 1875 |
A expressão das emoções no homem e nos animais C Darwin, K Lorenz Companhia das letras, 2000 | 788 | 2000 |
The expression of emotions in animals and man C Darwin London: Murray 11 (1872), 1872, 1872 | 770* | 1872 |